A date..?

776 18 21

It's been almost a month since the day me and Nagito became.. I guess friends again. But even though I say this, me and him became distant and haven't really been the same since that day.

"Hey Hajime." I look up from my phone from Nagito calling my name. Nagito and I decided to hang out at the park today but we haven't talked much since we got here, he must be feeling really uncomfortable right now.

"Yeah wassup?"

"How you been lately? We barely talk anymore." I smile as i place my phone inside my jacket pocket. So he finally wants to talk huh? What should I even say?

Oh I'm great! Ever since you basically rejected and practically ignored me, I just couldn't be happier!

I mentally slapped myself. Get it together Hajime, don't be an asshole. Nagito did nothing wrong, if he doesn't like guys then that's that.

"I'm doing alright, what about you?" I decided to be slightly honest. I'm actually doing terrible but obviously i'm not going to tell him that. "That's good to hear and i'm doing good.." Nagito pauses and looks down as he fiddles with his fingers. "... i've heard you're in a relationship now."

I deadpanned. What is he talking about?

"Uhh no.. where did you hear from?" I ask confusingly.

Even if i was in a relationship, what would it matter to him? He basically said it himself that he doesn't think of me that way. "Oh? If you're not then just forget I said anything."

I didn't say anything back. I mean what was there to really say? He didn't even bother answering my question. "Uh okay I think I'm just going to head home now, I'll see you later." as i said those words I stand up and wave goodbye to Nagito.

But before I left, I couldn't help but notice the upsetting expression on his face.


It's been a week now, spring break was over and school was now back in session, unfortunately. I yawned and stretched my arms as I sat at the kitchen table, finishing up my breakfast.

I grab my belongings and then finally start heading out to school.


The day went fast and school was finally over and since it's been a while I've decided to sit over at the water fountain for today. If I was being completely honest, I could barely pay attention in school today. My mind just kept wandering off thinking about Nagito the entire time. I sigh as I pull out my phone, deciding if I should call Chiaki and ask her to meet me at our spot.

I've decided to finally open up to her about the whole situation between Nagito and I. She's our best friend after all, it's not fair to keep her in the dark about things.

I breathe in and then back out then hit Chiaki's number in my phone. After only about four seconds of ringing, she finally answers.


"Hey Chiaki, it's me Hinata. If you're not busy, wanna meet up at the fountain?" I silently waited for a reply as I hear Chiaki hum in thought.

"Yeah sure, see you." she says as she hangs up right after. I smile and then grip my bag as I make my way over to the fountain next to the main course building.

"Heyyy!" Chiaki yells out as I slowly approached her.

"Oh Chiaki.. you got here fast."

She raises her hand over her face trying to hide her smile. "Well this is the first time you asked me to hang out so.." I stop walking for a second and started to think, she was right. This really was the first time I asked.

"Um there's actually a reason for that." I say feeling my stomach start to turn.

I was beginning to feel anxious. What if she starts to dislike me after I tell her about me and Nagito? She'll figure out that I'm into a guy. Will she be disgusted?

I sit down next to Chiaki on bench that's right by the fountain, looking down at my shoes. No, Chiaki isn't like that. She's a understanding, caring person. I smile and with confidence from that thought alone, lift my head up to face Chiaki.

"Chiaki... there's something I need to tell you about me and.. Nagito.." I watch as Chiaki's demeanor changed.

"Okay, go on."

I breathe in and out and then begin telling Chiaki everything between Nagito and I. My uneasiness began to decrease as Chiaki was completely focusing on every word that came out my mouth.

As I finish up my story and then ask her advice, Chiaki sighs and folds her arms over her chest.

"I see..." Chiaki whispers as she continues to think.

"...so what I think you should do is just talk to him. Don't hide what you're feeling anymore. You guys need to sit down and have a actual discussion instead of running away from what you guys are feeling for one another."

I sigh. "I did talk to him though." she looking at me with one eyebrow raised. "Did you really?" My eyebrows furrow as I started to frown. Wait.. did I?

I look down, clasping my hands together in frustration, beginning to feel ashamed. All this time and I didn't once actually speak with Nagito about how I felt?

"No." I finally reply back in almost a whisper.

Chiaki sighs. "Yeah I thought so." She goes silent for a while then randomly brightens up like she just came up with the most amazing thought.

"You know what Hajime, just ask Nagito on a date!" I look up at her, feeling my eyes widen and face heat up.

"A date..?"

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