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Days went by then weeks then months and then years. Me and Nagito are still together, now currently living together in New York.

After me and Nagito gotten together, we immediately told Chiaki the next day. She was more than happy for us. Nagito and I were really blessed to have such an supporting friend. Chiaki is also still in our lives but not so much since our moving. She decided to become the principal at hopes peak academy and she has done remarkable things.

I was now currently home laying my lower back on the kitchen counter as I waited for my hot water to be ready so I can make my tea. I was also waiting for a certain someone to face meet me.

Nagito had to leave home for a while for his working purposes. He had become a photographer. He goes to all types of places but not too often because of me. I've became a journalist. I guess my love for writing has finally paid off.

As my mind drifted off. I continued to eye my laptop from across the room as I waited for Nagito to call. We haven't talked for a while and I missed him dearly. Taking me out of my thoughts I suddenly hear the hot water boiling causing me to jump up slightly and lift myself up from the counter.

I walk over to the stove and turn it off, watching the hot water become calmer. I sighed as I walk over to the cabinet, taking out my favorite cup and and a tea bag then walking back over to the stove. I drop the tea bag into the cup as I place it down to grab the glove from above the stove and then gently picking up the pot, pouring the hot water into the cup.

I twirl the cup with a spoon as I added bits of sugar into the cup and some cream making it having some type of flavor. I lift the cup up closer to my mouth, blowing gently and then finally taking a sip. The pleasant aroma and sweet thang making me smile to myself with satisfaction.

Walking back over to the couch. I sit down and place my cup down and the minute I do that, my laptop begin to ring showing Nagito's picture to show that he was face calling me. "Finally.." I say as I lean forward and press 'enter' causing the call to be accepted.

"Hi honey." Nagito says with a sweet smile on his face. I noticed that he had his hair up in a halfway pulled back ponytail, he looked great. "Hey Nagito, it's about time you called. I missed you." I say as I lift the laptop up, placing it on my lap for better access to my face. "I know. My service was so bad, I couldn't call right away. I'm sorry my love." I smile as I tilt my head to the side a bit, "Don't apologize, it's completely fine.".

Nagito smiles, "So what are you up to?" I reach out for my cup of tea and show it in the camera, my way of showing Nagito what i'm doing without having to utter a single word. Nagito chuckles to himself causing his face to redden a bit, "Of course, I should've known haha." I laugh, "What about you? Anything interesting happen?" I ask as I take another sip from my tea before placing it back down onto the table.

"Mhm.. well while I was hiking. I saw this amazing view and I wanted a picture but I thought it would be better from a higher perspective.." I continued to listen as I watch Nagito laugh nervously, "..so I climbed the closest tree to me and took the picture from up there. I'll send the photo later, it was so beautiful!" I continued to smile as I watch Nagito brighten. 

"So how did you get down?" I ask actually interested on how he seriously got down from such a place. Nagito smiles slyly with both of his hands now under his chin, holding his face up. "There was this rope there so I used that but instead of just jumping down, I started swinging around for almost five minutes." I place the laptop on the table as I lean down, still with a smile on my face.

"You're not hurt, are you?" Nagito shakes his head 'no', "I'm completely fine, thank you. It was so much fun though, I might do it again." he says as he lets out a small laugh.

"You crazy bastard." I say shaking my head with the side of my lips upwards. Nagito tilts his head a bit to the right, looking directly at me.

"Your crazy bastard." he says as he then sits up vigorously while raising his left hand, showing it quickly into the camera enthusiastically. "FOREVERR" he says loudly with a huge smile, showing off the engagement ring I gave him into the camera.

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