...What the hell? Nagito!?

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"Well you don't have to be so damn rude about it." I say to Nagito with my arms crossed over my chest. Nagito clicks his tongue and glares at me. Of course he was pissed, he hates me and staying and sleeping in the same house with the person you hate the most sounds like hell.

"Oh shut up, you don't want to do it anymore than I do!" well he's not wrong.

"Please guys, i'm begging you." we both look at Chiaki who had puppy dog eyes, she looked like she was about to cry any minute. Damnit.. if it'll make her happy then screw it.

"Fine whatever I'll do it." I saying admitting defeat. I can feel Nagito's devil glare at me. He definitely didn't expect that. "Ugh..." Nagito starts off. "...fine" Chiaki smiles brightly completely breaking character and starts cheering.

"Okay let's go then guys!" Wait huh?

"What do you mean? We're going now?" I ask dumbfounded. Nagito rolls his eyes and puts his hand on his hips as he looks at me.

"Obviously reserve, I knew you was stupid but I didn't know you was this stupid geez." I roll my eyes at Nagito's irrelevant response. Why does he always have to be so damn rude?!

"Okay come on then! We'll head to your houses first to grab your belongings and then the sleepover begins!" Chiaki cheers as she marches towards the exit of the arcade with me and Nagito following close behind feeling depressed.

We finally make it to Chiaki's house after the very annoying and long walk. None of us can drive so we had to walk to both houses; me and Nagito's. The walk was devastating but we made it out alive. We all are now at Chiaki's house right now, with me and Nagito sitting on the couch and Chiaki on the floor playing video games. It wasn't that thrilling for me though since I was going against the two most worst Ultimate's to play video games with. The Ultimate Luck and Gamer.

Hell.. yup that's the word that suites my situation the best.

"Haha you lost again! You reserve course students never fail to make me laugh." Nagito says obviously being offensive.

"Shut up! It's not even fair. You're the ultimate fucking luck, it's impossible to beat you!" I was obviously pissed. I already be feeling salty when I lose against Chiaki and now i'm losing against this bastard Komaeda.

As I say those words, I slam the game console on the couch cushion and glare at it with hatred. I'm starting to think video games might just hate me.

I can hear Nagito cracking up, I never heard him laugh so hard before. I must amuse him, that bastard. "Haha you're really mad huh?" he says as he continues to laugh. I look down at Chiaki and she was also slightly chuckling.


"Come on heh one more round, i'll go easy on you this time." Nagito offers. I immediately decline, absolutely not. I'll still lose either way, is he stupid or something? That's a dumb question, of course he's stupid.

"Fine! Stay salty then and i'm tired anyways." I nod in agreement.

It was getting pretty late, me and Nagito got out of school at 3:30 and made it to the arcade at 4:15 since he was walking so slow. But since we was at the arcade for a while and had to travel house to house, it took us much longer to get to Chiaki's house. Therefore it became later and later with all the time we was wasting.

"What?! It's only 7:18! Let's watch at least three movies, eat some popcorn and then go to bed?" me and Nagito look at each for a minute and then back at Chiaki.

"Alright." we both say in union. Chiaki beams and goes on a search for movies to watch.

We ended up watching 2 horror movies which left me sitting in the small corner of the couch the entire time and 1 comedy movie. It's now really late and Chiaki is laying out the couch mattress for me.. or at least that was my assumption. "Okay you two, here you go!" me and Nagito look at Chiaki confusingly as we sit there in our pajamas standing side by side.

"Um Chiaki.. what are you talking about?" I ask hesitantly, hoping what i'm thinking isn't actually what's about to happen.

"You guys have to sleep in the same bed." she says with a small smile.

What...? "You must be joking?!" Komaeda says with widen eyes. "I-I can't sleep in the s-same bed as Hin- I mean with the Reserve!" I look at Nagito. Wow he really hates me.. but if he hates me so much.. why agree to be friends? I just don't understand him.

"I'm sorry but it's the only option unless one of you sleep on the floor. My parents room is locked and i'm a girl so I doubt you want to sleep with me." Chiaki does have a point..

"Alright.. Nagito quit complaining and let's just suck it up." I say with my right hand on my waist looking at him. Nagito turns to look at me and I can see a reddish color on his face. Is he embarrassed or something? I'm not going to take a picture of him sleeping or anything so what's his problem?

"Ugh whatever, i'm going to sleep!" Nagito says as he stomps his way to the mattress and lays down going under the covers immediately.

I sigh and apologize to Chiaki. "Alright goodnight you two!" Chiaki says as she turns the lights off and walks out the living room. I turn slowly to look at the mattress to see Nagito out of the covers, snoring away. Wow... I smile and walk over to the mattress to lay myself down.

"Y'know Nagito... if you wasn't such a asshole, we probably would've been great friends." I say out loud while laying on my side looking at his stupid face. It's dumb really.. I'm saying this and he's not even awake to hear it.

I sigh and pull myself under the the covers, finally falling into a slumber.

The Next Morning~

"Good morning you tw- oh wow.." I open my eyes softly and immediately see Chiaki standing frozen, looking at me with widen eyes. Distracting me from her, I suddenly felt a very heavy weight on my chest, facing my head down I notice Nagito sleeping softly on top of me. "...What the hell? Nagito!?"

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