Just friends.. right...?

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So my assumptions were correct, I really do have feelings for Nagito.

As our mouths continued connected, it felt like we were the only people that existed. Like nobody else was important but the person that was beside me. I've never experienced anything like this, I was literally on cloud nine. The kiss was beginning to get intense as Nagito slid his hand in my hair pulling me even closer. I moved my hand from his face to his waist, as i I started to slide my tongue into his mouth. He quickly opened his mouth, letting out tongues twirl around with each other.

I was beginning to run out of air so I unfortunately removed our lips from each other. I open my eyes and was immediately surprised. Nagito was a bright red, breathing heavy, as his eyes were narrowed while he started to catch his breath. He looked so intoxicating, I already wanted to kiss him again. Nagito raised his gaze to me and gave me a small smile.

"That was.... something..." Nagito breathed out as he continuing smiling at me. "Yeah..." Nagito's smile didn't last long as he looked down avoiding my gaze. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask worried that I did something. "It's nothing um I got to go home now, i'm sorry." Nagito says as he picks up his shoes and start leaving the beach as I stood there lost and confused more than ever.

What was that about? Is he upset with me? Does he hate me? Is he gonna ignore me again? So many thoughts started to build in my head as I grabbed my belongings and started heading home as well. I didn't know what to do, should I message him or wait until he's ready to talk again?

After prodding on which option to choose from, I've decided to wait until he's ready to come to me. I didn't want to pressure him so this was the best conclusion.

It's been over a week since I spoke to Nagito and since there was no school, I couldn't see him there. Well not like I would've anyways, he's in the main course building. I started to feel sick, thinking about the reserve and ultimate situation always leaves a bitter feeling. I sigh as I sit on the bench that Nagito once sat on when we first became actual friends.

Why am I even here? It's not like he's going to show up, I should just go home. As I stood up and placed my gaze on the ground as I put on my headphones, I started my walk home. While walking I could've swore I heard someone yell my name. I decided to ignore it but then it was called again.

"Hinata!" I turn around, taking one headphone out of my ear. To my surprise, Nagito was right there breathing heavily as he tried to catch his breath. He finally started to relax and stood up straight to look me in the eye.

"Um hi" that's it? Is that really all he's gonna say to me after what happened and him ignoring me for days? My eyebrows furrow, why am i feeling so annoyed right now? "Hi" I finally say back. He looks down again, "I'm sorry.."

I decided to take both my headphones out of my ear to show Nagito that he had my complete attention. I grabbed his hand to get him to put his gaze back on me, I suppose that action took him by surprise as he lifts his head up with widen eyes. "It's alright, i understand if you don't feel anything for me like that. But I do hope we can continue being at least friends."

Nagito stood there with still widen eyes as he didn't know what to say, it looked like he was prodding on something but decided against it. "Yea.... I will like to continue being your friend." I smile sadly.

Why am I feeling so disappointed? Isn't this what I wanted? To be friends with Nagito right?

Taking me out of my thoughts, Nagito randomly pulls me into a hug. It caught me off guard so I stood frozen for a second but then slowly started putting my arms around him as well. This felt nice, being in his embrace always left me feeling so warm inside.

How can I just be friends with him when every time i'm around him, I can't help but feel something more. I sigh into his shoulder taking in his scent, this would most likely be the last time we do this. Now that we're officially just friends.. right...?

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