I love you..

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"A date..?"

"Yes!" She yells out enthusiastically. I started to feel my face heat up even more. I guess this isn't the worst idea but still. Will he even agree to such a thing with me?

"And don't start to think that he'll say no. If Nagito truly likes you i'm positive he'll agree." Chiaki says before I even give her a response.

I sigh in thought. Maybe I should just go for it. The worst thing that could happen is that he says no.

"Alright fine." I see Chiaki stand up as she jumps up in excitement. "Great! You should get going then!" she says as she turns around and tries lifting me up.

"Wait why?"

"There's a fair happening tonight, ask Nagito to go to it with you." I stand up and then look at her.

"Do I go to his house or call? I've never been on a date before."

Chiaki gives a small smile. "Choose either one, he'll be happy regardless and don't worry, just be yourself. Now go."

Chiaki says as she pushes me away gently and starts walking the opposite direction, waving goodbye while yelling 'good luck'

I sigh as I started my walk over to Nagito's house while playing with my fingertips. God i've never felt so damn nervous in my life.


Here I was. Outside Nagito's house like a weirdo. I honestly haven't been here in such a long time. I sigh unnecessarily loud and then make my way onto Nagito's doorstep. I can't believe I really let Chiaki get me to do this. What if he declines? I don't know if we can continue being friends if this ends up going sideways.

I clench my fist as I breathe in and finally raise my hand up to press the doorbell but before doing so the door randomly opens, catching me off guard causing me to trip back a little. I catch my balance by holding onto the railing on the stairway. "Woah talk about a close one." I say with a sigh of relief.

"Hinata..?" My eyes widen from a very familiar voice calling my name. It was Nagito. I started to feel my heart beat begin to rise. Why him out of all people have to open the door at a time like this?! Well either way I have to man up and talk to him.

I breathe out as I slowly raise my head and to look at Nagito. I felt my face heat up from just his gaze on me alone. He looked like he had just woken up. Did he even go to school today? "What are you doing here Hinata?" God. It feels so nice hearing him say my name again. I really missed him.

"Um actually I-" I mentally slap myself. I need to get it together! If I miss this opportunity there really will be no hope for us. "Nagito... I came to see you." I say as I make my way up the stairway again, coming closer into contact with him. I watched as his face redden and eyes widen from my words. That reaction made me happy and made me even more determined.

I finally reach face to face with him and then softly grab his hand. "I've been wanting to talk to you about something for a while and I was wondering if today you would give me the chance to tell you what it is." Nagito was quiet for a couple of seconds as he looked directly into my eyes and his face becoming the most red I ever seen on him. "Y-yeah." he finally says as his grip on my hand tightened a bit while he looked down, unfortunately breaking eye contact.

"We should get going then." I say with a smile. I can't help but be so happy right now. "Oh? Where are we going?" Nagito ask as he begins to turn around to open his door. "To a fair."

"Ah okay I need to get dress though. You don't mind waiting in the dining room, do you?" I shake my head to show him it was completely fine. "Alright come in then." Nagito continues holding my hand as he brings me along with him inside of his home.

His house was nice and huge. Even though I been here before I always feel mesmerized whenever I see it. It was also pretty quiet. His parents must not be home again. Nagito told me that his parents are rarely home because of work purposes so he basically lives alone. "This is the dining room. You can sit here while you wait." I nod as a response then sit down in the seat he told me to as he starts heading upstairs to his bedroom.

As I sit down, i started to get stuck inside my thoughts. I really couldn't believe Nagito really agreed to this. I was so afraid he'll refuse. I don't know how long I was in my head for but I suddenly feel someone shake me, causing me to jump and look up. "Jesus Hinata. I called your names like five times. Was you really that zoned out?"

"Aha I guess I was. My apologies Nagito." Nagito looks away as a small blush appears on his face. "It's fine, no need to apologize but we should get going. It's getting dark out." I stand up abruptly. I didn't even pay attention to the time. "Yeah let's get going!" I say as I grab Nagito's hand and walk over to the front door. Nagito had to stop to put on his shoes first and that's when I noticed what he was wearing.

It's not anything fancy but he looks really good. It's just a plain white shirt but with a red design on it, blue jeans with small rips on the knee part, and his green coat. As Nagito finishes tying his shoes, he stands up and smiles at me. "I'm so glad we're going to the fair together." He says as he opens the door, grab my hand and start heading the direction of the fair with me close behind him a blushing mess.


The fair was crowded and busy. The moment we got there, Nagito quickly dragged me to one of the rides. It was really fun but I honestly felt like I was going to puke. We went too food stalls and played games; which Nagito beat me in. He even ended up winning earrings which we decided to split. One for Nagito and one for me.

Nagito and I is currently now on a hill at the top of a mountain not far from the rest of the fair.

It was really dark out now since a good three hours has pass. We sat on the grass that laid flatly on the surface of the hill as I finished eating my cotton candy while we both waited for the fireworks to
begin. I never felt so happy about something in my life. If someone was to ask me what my favorite memory is in the future, I would for sure say this one.

Taking me out of my thoughts immediately, Nagito taps my shoulder and points up showing me the fireworks that were now starting off quietly and slowly but then started getting more colorful and loud having me stare up in awe.

Me and Nagito continued watching the fireworks as they exploded one by one mixing different beautiful colors together. I felt as Nagito wrapped his hand around mind, holding it tightly. I smile as I feel my heart pound against my chest. Was this really happening? I really hope I'm not dreaming.

"Hey Hajime." I hum in response as I turn to face Nagito and in a instant, Nagito pulled me into him by the waist connecting our lips together. My eyes widen in surprise, I didn't expect him to do this but it's not like i'm complaining. I raise my hand up and gently cup Nagito's face, trying to bring him closer than he already was. I really love the feeling of his lips against mine, the sensation leaving a lingering feeling on my fingertips. Nagito unfortunately pulled back to catch his breath but then looked at me. He raises his hand to touch mine that was cupping his face and then picked it up to kiss it causing me to blush immensely. I watched as he removes his lips off my hand and then looks directly at me, causing intense eye contact. "I love you.."

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