Chapter Five

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I open the microwave and take out the popcorn with gloves whilst Ellie watches me, a smile on her face and a cookie in hand

Hanging the mitts on the rack, I turn around to see Blaze Ames
Yes, that Blaze Ames with no shirt on, abs on display, and his hair in a beautiful mess

I pinch myself to see if I am in a dream


Recognition flickers on his face and he scowls at me
"Stop looking at me like you want to fuck me.It's not happening and anyways why the fuck are you in my house"

I blush in embarrassment and immediately frown
"Do not curse in front of Ellie and don't be rude"

He casts a glance at Ellie and quickly brings his gaze back to me

"Why am I here?,why am I here?
Oh, I just saw this house and was like damn, this house looks so beautiful so I entered, introduced myself to Ellie and we decided to make popcorn and talk about our future"

"You're not funny, he replies in annoyance
I assume you are the babysitter"

"Ding, ding, ding we have a lucky winner, how do you feel knowing you just answered the million-dollar question"

I carry Ellie up from the counter and into the living room with the bowl of popcorn

"You are in my house, you have no audacity to talk to me like that"

Are we really going to continue this conversation

"Well, you also had no audacity to be rude to me after you hit me on the face with a ball, but you still did. Karma's a bitch"

"Listen, are we still on that? Do not get distracted during a game of dodgeball.
Girls would die to be in your position"

"Are you stupid?. Who wants to be in the position to get hit by the ball on the face?"

I turn to Ellie staring at us with a scrunched up face. I smile at her and press play for the movie to begin.

He walks out of the front door shutting the door loudly behind us


Ellie and I watch Brave after Beauty and the Beast
During the part where the whole family was having dinner and Merida slipped cookies under the table to her brothers, I hear Ellie sniffing.

I face her and I see tears in her eyes

"Ellie, honey. What is wrong?"

"I wish Blaze would do that for me, he never watches movies with me. Sophie's brother always watches movies with her
I feel like he hates me and he doesn't talk to me"

"Sweetheart, who told you that? Blaze doesn't hate you.
You are his sister and you are so cute, I say booping her nose .Who would ever hate you"

A smile appears on her face and she nods turning towards the movie.

Ellie's words struck me and I'm unable to concentrate on the movie

Hate;that familiar feeling.

My eye catches a painting of a woman on top of the fireplace and I walk towards it to get a closer look

She had blonde hair just like Ellie and the same beautiful forest green eyes as Blaze that could pierce into your soul

By six in the evening, Ellie had taken her bath and eaten dinner
Thankfully, I had not seen Blaze since afternoon

Babysitting Blaze's younger sister, what could go wrong?

"Put my charger and the scissors down and back away"

"No!, you back away", Brandon counters

"How do I know to trust you"

"I am your brother, you have to trust me"

"The brother seconds away from cutting my cord.
Yeah, right"

"My phone is only three percent away from getting fully charged"

"Well, too bad because the charger is mine and my phone is seconds away from shutting down"

"Just wait until my phone gets full", he whines

"No way, put my charger down otherwise your lucky socks gets it", I say pushing the scissors closer to the sock

"Ok, take it, take it", he shouts placing the scissors and charger back on the kitchen counter

I smirk taking my charger, I ruffle Brandons' hair and walk out of the kitchen.

"Give me back my lucky socks", Brandon yells behind me

"Nope, I am going to keep it for a while. Never take my charger and never mess with your sister", I yell back

"That is not fair", Brandon whines

"Well life's not fair", I counter back

Another boring day for me, that is a disadvantage of being a loner. I had binge-watched movies the whole morning and I'm pretty sure if my vision had a fist, I will be sporting a black eye

I woke up this morning thinking yesterday didn't happen, maybe it was all a dream, maybe Blaze was not the brother of the little girl I babysat

Who was I lying to?.It did happen.

I put on sweatpants and a sweater, pull my hair into a ponytail and decide to go for a walk
I hate doing nothing.
When my mind isn't occupied with something to do, it attracts unwanted thoughts.

I go to Brandon's room to tell him I am going for a walk but he just straight up ignores me
Rude, he still isn't getting those socks

I just walk with no idea of where I am going
I pass diners, a bowling alley, a dance studio, and a museum I didn't know were here

I just keep walking and stumble towards the park, I sit on a bench listening to music
No one is in the park and the whole park is silent. The only sound coming from the birds on the trees.

Around the park, trees cover everywhere. I walk towards the trees, the wind rushing past my ears
Not far from me, I hear a squawking noise. I move towards the noise and there's a little bird on the ground

The branch on which the bird's nest is is at hand reach so I gently scoop up the bird and stretch my hand towards the nest

The bird enters the nest and I lower my hand
I step back from the tree.
Taking a step forward,I trip over a stone and crash towards the shrubs and leaves and they pave way to a hill

I pick myself up and brush the leaves off of myself and advance towards the hill

Down the hill is a wide stream, the stream flows peacefully and quietly
The stream combined with the trees and the hill is just stunning
The lake is blue and clear

The wind blowing through my hair, the sun setting above in the sky and the ripples in the lake make me smile

Nature's magic


A/N: Till the next chapter

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