Chapter Twenty-three

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That happened last week

I woke up in bed the next morning in my room filled with exhaustion with Mum and Brandon at my bedside

Her eyes were red-rimmed and the guilt dawned on me. Both of them hugged me and Brandon's words broke me. He told me that he had lost Dad and he didn't want to lose me. I held on to him so right until he said the hug felt awkward

I passed out because I was malnourished. The school nurse said I had a low blood sugar level and my lack of eating together with emotional stress made me pass out. I was relieved she hadn't mentioned anything about me overdosing

After Mum hugged me, she scolded me for my lack of eating

The trio visited me after school
Addison continued with the scolding and we both tore up a bit.

Blaze said nothing, he just stared at me with an emotion I couldn't decipher. He stayed with me even after Lucas and Addison left. The silence between us was heavy, he only left when Mum persuaded him to

The next day after school, they came back again. They didn't ask questions or persuade me for answers, we just talked and watched movies

"Miss Magnus, que acabo de decir?"

"Mhm...?", I ask snapping out of my thoughts

I pause, the pencil to my thought book, and my eyebrow shoots up in question at Miss Triana

" Estes prestando atención?"

I give her a blank look

"Describir tu cadena familiar"

(Describe your family chain)

"I don't know", I say with a shrug

" Esta usted escuchando?", she raises her voice this time

(Are you listening?)

I stare at her with a bored look

"Sal  de my clase. Clearly, you are not ready to learn. When you get serious,you can come back"

(Get out of my class)

I pick up my thought book and I see Addison beside me mouthing "sorry"

I stare at her irritated and walk out of the classroom
Why was she apologizing, she hadn't done anything

I wasn't paying attention, I deserved to be sent out of the class. I didn't even want to be in the class.

It had been a week since that incident at Lucas' house and me passing out in school

A whole week of getting irritated at the least things. I was waiting for them to get fed up with me and start avoiding me.

The cutting, insomnia, and nightmares have become worse. The voices continue to taunt me. In the middle of the night, I wake up sweating, crying, and trembling
And anytime I wake up, I cut, the cuts line up my arm and wrist.
I am fucking drained

Drained and lost

During the month, I had not been dwelling on my past and harming myself, I had been happy because of the trio
From Addison's sassy comments to Lucas' funny remarks and Blaze's teases; they made me smile yet there was that nagging feeling.
That feeling that told me it wasn't going to last long, that I was going to plummet hard but I pushed it back. That text message destroyed every last shred of happiness I built informing me that I can never move on

I take a turn at the side of the building towards the school's garden. Walking towards the garden, I see someone leaning against the wall

I turn around to leave when

Fading Away ✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें