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You and Alessandra sat silently on top of a building. You had been up there a couple of minutes getting situated, but you needed to get this done as soonly as possible.

"Are we ready?" Alessandra questioned while holding the tranquilizer sniper above her shoulder. You inhaled deeply while closing your eyes, your finger hovering over the button.

You counted slowly in your head, focusing on all the sounds around you.


Who would've thought that one button could cause such chaos?

The sounds ring throughout the crowd, you held your head as you didn't realize it would be so loud. Immediate screams were heard as the explosion sounded, and fire erupted.

You watched with a straight face as the tower began to fall. "Show time." You whispered in monotone while checking for all your weapons and trackers, throwing the empty duffel into the trash can down below in the alley.

Alessandra was already searching, you were looking for any sign of the avengers. Sirens were heard in the distance, quite muffled from the crumbling brick and agonizing wails of the people.

A sickening joy filled your heart as the tall tower hit the floor. You had just crushed hundreds. Homicide sure was fun.

"Do you see them?" Alessandra asked while peering around.

"Not yet. But they'll be here. The service troops will not be enough." You explained. You were well hidden behind a brick running on the roof.

Ambulances, fire trucks, and police cars began to pull in and around the building.

Shouting commands and taking orders, the fire was beginning to be put out.

You knew that that very building had a capacity of 1,400 people. You would be satisfied if you killed even half of that.

You were sure news reports and social media feedings would already be put out to the world. So sure enough, that familiar red and gold suit you had seen so many times flew through the air.

"That's iron man. The others will come shortly." You whispered while looking down at the crowds of running and weeping people.

You peered around the ground, a smile gracing your lips as you watched Captain America and who you knew as the falcon, running around, helping pull people out of the large rumble.

"There's two more, the others will be out soon enough." You added while looking at the blonde. Your face fell as you saw the gun on the floor beside her. Her eyes were dilated, her pupils consuming the entire iris. "Дерьмо (shit)." You whispered while stumbling back to your feet, reaching for the pistol in your holster, and backing to the other side of the roof, towards the ladder that lead you up there.

You looked around the air, trying to see if you could spot anything in the sky.

Across the way, upon another building, you spot an all-red man. He was communicating with Wanda, whose eyes were shut and hands were glowing red.

She had gotten into Alessandra's mind.

You quickly fled the roof, climbing down the fire escape, while hiding your gun. You ran into the open park and began to run in the direction of the people, hoping to blend as a fearful civilian.

You had to leave Alessandra. They had already taken her too far.

Helicopters were heard overhead, cameras were being shoved in the people's faces, and soot and dust and blood covered everything.

You looked up at the roof, Alessandra was sitting upright, you could barely see the tip of her whitish hair.

You began running, fast. You were a fast person. You pushed through people, making it out to the street where police were searching for the culprits.

In the Eyes of an Assassin (Avengers)Where stories live. Discover now