Never mind!!!

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Since this story is in such high rates, imma fucking make a sequel.

Pull out ur fucking drumstick cause this shits gonna be gold,

The date ill be releasing the first chapter is....

April 1st, 2015.

Yes, its far away blah... But.. Its gonna happen.

_rylei_ Made sure you see this.

deadbutalive1313 made sure u see this

Gwynie and Gwynie_Juliett_ make sure u see this shit.


With love, me.

PS!! I am remaking my 2 story and editing this one so please just stay tuned i am so so so so so so so sorry. Anyways I plan for the 2 book go up September 5th-10th. Please keep reading and stay beautiful.

PS #2!! The book is called I'm trying to sleep and will be posted between the dates September 5th through 10th (as stated above)

Each Cut A Little Deeper {Alex Gaskarth}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz