Chapter 7

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From now on, all of the chapter names will be "Chapter []" because I am not creative enough for chapter names anymore.//


He caught Tanjiro staring at him multiple times which made him a little worried. He probably looked like a mess and Tanjiro was just trying to figure out how to tell him nicely.

He glanced out the window and noticed that it had suddenly gotten dark. He tapped on the screen of his phone to check the time, and it was already late. Had they been there for that long? It was so nice that he didn't even notice.

"Hey Tanjiro I think we should go. It's nine pm and we're the only ones here." He looked around at the now empty restaurant. He could hear the employees in the back of the place cleaning the kitchen.

"Oh?" He also looked around. "Yeah, you're right. I can walk you home since it's sort of dark outside." He started to pack up his papers into his backpack.

Muichiro did the same, "You don't have to, I'm alright." He was looking down at the table so he couldn't tell that his face was red now. "And uh, what about you? Who's going to walk you home?"

He laughed, "I'll be fine don't worry. Now come on before it gets even darker."


"I'm walking you home, alright?" Tanjiro stood up from the table and slung his backpack over his shoulder.

So that was that then. He decided not to protest anymore because Tanjiro clearly wanted to walk him home. He also stood up and waved goodbye to the employees before they walked out.

Tanjiro stood next to Muichiro while they waited to cross the street. "I just realized that I don't know where you live."

Muichiro laughed. "Yeah I know. You're not really walking me, you're just following me to my house."

Tanjiro also laughed, which Muichiro found cute. He liked his laugh, he stort of wished that he could hear him laugh like that forever.

They crossed the street and he led Tanjiro to his house. Muichiro noticed that he was standing a lot closer to him than usual but he didn't mind at all. If he was being honest, he enjoyed it a lot. He was sort of warm and their arms would brush up against each other sometimes. He really wanted to hold his hand now.

"Do you live alone? Or should we stop so I can get a gift for your family?" Tanjiro motioned towards a small corner store.

"No I live alone. Don't worry about a gift." Muichiro frowned a little, which Tanjiro must've noticed because he gently nudged his shoulder.

"We should leave school early at lunch tomorrow. Maybe we can get smoothies again and then come back before the bell rings."

Muichiro thought about it and then he nodded. "Yeah that sounds fun."

It suddenly got really awkward. Neither of them knew what to say anymore. He looked away at the buildings that they passed but he could feel Tanjiro staring at him. He wondered what Tanjiro found so interesting in him to make him stare that much. He wondered if it was because he looked weird, usually that's what everyone said about him. Part of him thought Tanjiro was a little different though.

"My house is on this next turn." He glanced over at Tanjiro who quickly looked away when they made eye contact, but Muichiro's heart started to race from that one second that they did make eye contact. That's weird.

They made it to Muichiro's house and Tanjiro stood behind him as he unlocked the front door.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then?" He turned back around to look at Tanjiro once he finished.

"Yeah see you tomorrow!"

They stood there awkwardly looking at eachother for a few seconds.

"Um- well.." Muichiro got cut off by Tanjiro giving him a quick hug. His eyes widened and his cheeks grew red. He hesitantly hugged Tanjiro back.

"Bye, Muichiro! I'll tell you when I get home." Tanjiro turned away quickly but Muichiro couldve sworn that he saw a hint of red on his face as well.

He covered his cheeks with his hands. "Bye..stay safe!" He stood outside until Tanjiro was farther away and then he quickly went inside of his house.

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