Chapter 9

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Once he made it inside he softly shut the door behind him. "What the hell?" He rubbed his face and began walking to his bedroom. It was very obvious that there was something wrong with him. He couldn't tell what it was but it had something to do with Tanjiro.

He flopped onto his bed and pulled out his phone from his back pocket. He unlocked it then went over to Tanjiro's instagram. For some reason he just really wanted to seem him again. He just dropped me off a few minutes ago though..

He scrolled down to a few of his posts and he felt his cheeks grow hotter and hotter. He was so cute, his smile was so nice and warm. His lips..he wondered if this was how friends normally thought of eachother. He hadn't had any true friendships in so long so he must've forgotten.

Suddenly he felt sad. "What if I don't want to be his friend anymore?" He sat up and looked across the room at his mirror. He stared at his reflection. "What if I want to be something more than that?" He gasped and covered his mouth with his hands. He liked Tanjiro! He shook his head. No that can't be right. I'm not..

Muichiro sighed. He unlocked his phone again and typed in 'Am I gay quizzes' on google. He clicked on the first link that showed up. Are these things even accurate? He still did the quiz anyway, there was no harm in trying it out.

Just before he got his results, a notification from Tanjiro popped up on his screen. Muichiro almost threw his phone out of fear. Half of him wanted to check the text immediately but the other half wanted to block him and never talk to him again. He weighed his options for a few seconds before turning off his notifications and putting Tanjiro's contact on do not disturb. He also decided that he was only going to talk to Tanjiro about the project from now on, no more meetings at lunch or before class. Only the project. Tanjiro wouldn't want to date someone like him, and he probably didn't like guys that way anyway. There was no need to keep talking to him and making these feelings last any longer than they needed to.

Out of curiosity though, he went back to the quiz and checked his results. It took a second to load but when it did he only sighed.

In big bold letters were the words, 'You're totally gay. Let me guess, crush on your friend?'

He wanted to pretend to be sick or something so he wouldn't have to face Tanjiro at all, or even skip a few of his classes. He sat down on his bed and brushed his bangs out of his face.

"There's always the small chance that maybe he likes me too.." He thought about it for a moment but he ended up pushing it away. Tanjiro was so popular and he probably thought he was weird and ugly. He wanted to cry. Why was this so hard?

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