An Update (Sorta)

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So as youve may have noticed, I've lost all interest in this story and the ship in general. I probably won't continue this in a while (or ever) but I will be taking requests for oneshots or short-ish stories with around 1-10 chapters. I only write m/m since I am a gay male and I think I wont be able to properly represent other relationships. I don't write smut (I'm asexual and writing that kiss in chapter tweleve was almost too much for me haha) or weird age gaps cause it makes me uncomfortable. Below is a list of media I am willing to write about. You can suggest others in the comments of this chapter too. With the anime/manga ones, I havent watched anime in a year so I might be a little rusty. Genre wise, I can do anything but horror and sci-fi. I'm better at writing romance though.
Thank you to all of those that have been reading Partners! I wrote it on a whim because I randomly got fixated on demon slayer and Muitan after a year of not watching anything related to it and I didn't expect to get such a big audience. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to finish the story but if anyone is interested I could post how I was planning on ending it? So at least you guys can get 'closure.' Just let me

List of Media
Dead Poets Society
Identity V (I won't do any hunter x survivor unless its angst and not romantic)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Heroes of Olympus
Soul Eater
Demon Slayer (depends)

Check out my other works if you want! I'm working on two new stories currently so you could also wait for that. Thanks again for all of the love on Partners you guys are amazing!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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