Chapter 14:Give the chihuahua back

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At the news, Katsuki's kidnapping was all over the place. The students were also watching the news.

Kumagawa:[To be expected from reporters. Dogs who jump at every meat they can find.]

Y/N:You said it. You think Bakugo will join the villains.

Kumagawa:[No. He's obsessed to become number one. That being said, the number one hero is his only goal. The single thing he aims in life. He wouldn't give that up.]

Y/N:That makes sense.

While the two were isolating themaselfs from the rest of the class, their fellow heroes in training were discussing about the events. They were arguing among themselfs about that.

Y/N:Man, Midoriya is really fired up to save the human. I wonder why is he so loyal to him.

Kumagawa:[That can be explained in two simple words.]

Y/N:Which are?

Kumagawa:[Stockholm syndrom.]

Y/N:...Fair enough.

Kumagawa:[Alright I'm going!]


Kumagawa:[To the rescue mission. While most will stay like the teachers said, that little group will certainly go to rescue our resident chihuahua. I can't stay here while my friends are in danger!]

Y/N:Pfft, good one.

Kumagawa:[Ah, you got me. Really, I'm going because there's a chance to meet someone.]


Kumagawa turned his head to Y/N and gave her a smile. Not his usual smile, or a sadistic smile. But one of pure excitment, which may be the most terrifying.

Kumagawa:[Why, our society's nemesis.]

Kumagawa, Y/N and Midoriya's group went to save Katsuki. Though, at least Kumagawa and Y/N had the decency to not wear ridiculous disguises.

While they were observing, the heroes already went in. Tomura wasn't happy to see All Might.

Tomura:I hate you, All Might! You're annoying!

Kumagawa:[You said it, brother!]

Y/N:While I agree, I don't think this is the best moment to fraternize with villains.

Black goo came from the mounts and noses of the villains and warped them outside. As Kurogiri was uncounscious, this was the single way.

This was the action of a man. At that man's appearence the heroes turned silence. His aura, even without knowing who he is, terrified the students. Even Y/N was on edge, yet Kumagawa looked amused. All For One was the heroes's greatest fear.

 All For One was the heroes's greatest fear

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Izuku:So, this is All For One.

Kumagawa:[This a total metaphor for capitalism.]

The group looked at him. Confused expressions were throwed at him.

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