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May 21th 2024

Enjoyment in life is needed, But not everyone can enjoy too much when they have problems.
Sometimes People have troubles with their lives, health and more. It was night where the streets were really busy, One women was heading to the Psychiatrist due to some issues.

She opened the door and saw her Psychiatric.

Kelly: Good day to you, Brianna.

Kelly: Good day to you, Brianna

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The Women was Brianna Bella. She was the one visiting the Psychiatrist this night.

Brie: *Sighs* Not really, it hasn't been a good day for me.

Brie walked towards a chair and sat on it as Kelly fixed her glasses and looked at Brie.

Kelly: Whats happening to you, Miss Bella? What problems are you having?

Brie: . . . I-I don't know what to say. . .

Kelly: Look, Just explain it to be slowly and carefully. You don't have to worry, I'm here to help you.

Brie sighed as Kelly noticed Brianna had dark circles on her eyes, She definitely didn't sleep good for the last few days, Brie was starring at the ground before she looked at Kelly.

Brie: Since the last few days, I'm been having. . . Terrible nightmares and I can't even sleep anymore

Kelly: What were those nightmares? Is it from your past?

Brie: *Holds her head* No. . . I had nightmares that a. . Burnt Man who had gloves with knives. . . He was trying to kill me.

Kelly nodded and continued listening to Brianna.

Brie: This has been happening for three days in a row, I stayed up late last night but it still didn't end well.

Brianna sighed as Kelly was concerned about Brie's problems.

Kelly: Miss Bella, I think your having hallucinations which is why that is happening. Try taking some sleeping pills.

Brie: B-But I'm afriad to sleep, Miss. I don't wanna sleep.

Kelly: Dont worry Brie, Just take sleeping pills and you will be relaxed and will be able sleep good. You're just having hallucinations.

Brie's eyes were starting drop but Brie tried to open her eyes and listen to Kelly's advices. But she couldn't keep her eyes open and was slowly dropping. Kelly was focus on talking as Brie fell asleep.


Brie's eyes were open as She looked around. She was in a dark room as Brie was feeling nervous and scared. She saw Blood everywhere as She started panicking stepped back against the wall.

A Nightmare On Elm StreetTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang