Chapter 10: Claws Of Evil

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May 25 2024

6: 00 p.m. . . . .

Everyone was devasted, worried, Panicking about what was happening, Ruby told the Group that Seth was gone. . No one wanted to sleep, They kept drinking more coffee and were thinking about everything.

Breanne: Guys, What do we do? We lost three of our friends. .

Maria: I-I'm panicking right now

Bruce: We can't just sit around like this.

Alex: *Sighs* Poor Seth. .

Adam: I still can't get over Brandi, Chris and Seth's passing. . . . . Chris was telling the truth.

Alexa: Daniel, Is Ruby alright?

Daniel: *Sighs* She can't get over everything. . Especially what she saw when she walked in Seth's room.

Ruby was starring at the floor as Daniel was comforting her.

Kenny: I already drank four coffee cups.

Priscilla: Guys How about this? Let's go to the pharmacy and buy some tablets.

Brian: *Confused* What tablets?

Priscilla: I seen some tablets where you can stay awake longer, Maybe this can help us.

Maria: Where can this be found?

Priscilla: I think it's in every pharmacy.

Daniel: How about we go there and buy it?? This can be useful.

Arium: Right, Lets go right now.

Some of the friends got up and left the house while the others stayed in the house and went to make their way to the pharmacy. Eventually they made it there as Alex spoke.

Alex: I'm already getting sleepy now.

Alexa: Alex. . . Please don't sleep. I'm worried. .

Alex: I won't. . .

They entered the pharmacy as They immediately were looking and walking around as Ruby spoke.

Ruby: I'm gonna talk to the clerk and Ask for these tablets.

Maria: I'll come with you.

Brian: I'll also talk to him, Guys You can try finding the tablets.

Alex: Try not to fall asleep, Please.

They nodded as Maria, Brian and Ruby were talking to the clerk as Alex was looking around as Alexa was walking, Looking through every tablets.

Alexa was holding her head tightly as She continued walking as She was looking through some painkillers and more, Alexa's vision was blurry due to the past two sleepless nights, Kaufmen was walking until she looked around and noticed how silent it was until the lights started flickering as Kaufmen's eyes were widen.

The lights continued flickering until. . .

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