Sensative Spot

537 11 0

Warnings: Fire, Trauma
Word Count: 430

Crowley and Aziraphale were sitting across from each other on Crowleys huge king sized bed. They both had their wings out. Aziraphale was reading and Crowley was watching said angel read, admiring the different expressions that laid upon Aziraphale's face as he read. Soon enough the demon found himself drifting off into sleep, staring at the thing he loved most.

"Aziraphale!" Crowley screamed. His throat hurt from yelling so long. He had long ago miracled the firemen away and made them believe that the fire was tame. It was not. It was raging, raging like the pit in Crowleys chest. He lay there on the ground of the burning bookshop, sobbing, clutching Agnes Nutters book close to his chest. He hadn't moved in ages, but the fire was still growing, still spreading and he was still calling the angels name. "Aziraphale?" he whimpered weakly. "My angel..." He cried harder. Harder. Harder. "Azira..."

"Crowley? My dear boy I'm right here." Crowley had been talking in his sleep and Aziraphale was not quite sure what about. "Crowley wake up."


"Crowley." the angel sighed and started moving towards the demon who had toppled over onto his side when he fell asleep. He gently shook the other entity. "Crowley, wake up." Crowley shot up from his position, nearly colliding with Aziraphale. When he realised that the angel was in front of him he lunged forward and hugged him. "Oh, Crowley dear, what happened?"

"I'm so glad you're okay. Please don't leave me. Never leave me, angel."

"I won't I promise. What were you dreaming about?" Crowley sniffled before explaining. "You...the thought you were dead."

"Oh I am so sorry, my dear."

"'S okay, 's just a little sensitive."

"Well I think you should know then Crowley. I love you very much and I will never leave you." The demons breath hitched. "W-What?"

"I love you."


"I know, dear. I know." Crowley released himself from the angels grip and laid down flat on his stomach. Aziraphale stared at him, pondering. He then moved so he was sitting on top of Crowleys legs and gently searched the demons back, sending waves of calming energy into his body. The demon sighed in relief as he was soothed. The angel scratched Crowleys back all over, and the demon seemed quite pleased. When he was done putting soothing magic into him, he leaned down and gently kissed the spot in between Crowleys jet black wings. Crowley shivered.


He kissed the spot again.


And again.

"Angel...I love you."

And again.

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