chapter nineteen.

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Marley's POV:

I couldn't stop thinking about all the things Justin told me at the party the other night. I didn't want to believe it, but for some reason part of me did. I decided just to push it to the back of my head and talk to Wes about it when he got home. The boys had made it through boot camp and onto the judge's house. Today they were flying to Miami to find out who their judge was and perform for them. "I really hope its Simon or LA. They'd be so sick to work with!" I was on the phone with Wes while they were driving from the airport to their destination. "Hey we just pulled up, but I'll call you tonight, okay? I love you." "I love you too, good luck babe." I heard some shuffling in the background, "LOVE YOU MARLEY!" It was Drew and Keaton. I laughed, "Love you guys too! Make me proud." Wesley's voice came back on, he was laughing too. "Love you babe." I hung up and fell backwards onto my bed, sighing. I desperately needed something today. Dania was working all day, and I had the day off. I flipped on the TV just as my phone began to ring. "Hello?" "Hey Marley?!" It was a girl's voice, I had no idea who though. "Yeah?" She sighed in relief. "Hey it's Brooke! Wes gave me your number. What are you up to today?" Duh. Wes had just told me he gave Brooke my number and that she'd probably call. "Absolutely nothing. Please say you have something to do!" She laughed, "Well I was thinking about hitting up the outlets, you wanna come?!" I could already tell Brooke and I were gonna be great friends, shopping was my guilty pleasure. "Obviously!" She squealed, "Perfect! I'll pick you up in about half an hour?" "Sounds like a plan, see you soon!"

The outlets were pretty deserted for a Friday. But hey, I'm not complaining. We practically had all the stores to ourselves, which was beyond amazing. We shopped for a solid two hours before making our way to the food court for some lunch. "So how are things with Wes going? I'm so happy he has you, I never expected him to settle down with a girl like he has with you. You're so perfect for him." There it was again, Wesley's past. When I didn't answer, Brooke reached out and touched my hand. "You okay?" I looked up at her. "What do you mean you never expected him to settle down?" She just shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know, I mean Wes has had countless girls and it never lasts more than a week." I had this pit in my stomach. If Brooke was saying this, then it had to be true. She noticed my dropped expression and quickly came to his defense. "But Marley, don't worry about any of that, okay? He's madly in love with you! He literally never stops talking about you; he's never been in love before until you came along. Remember that necklace he gave you?" She pointed to the necklace hanging around my neck. "He was scared shitless to give it to you. I've never seen him so nervous to take a girl out on a date before. I've never seen this side of Wesley before, but I'm glad he's finally showing it. We all are. Our family loves you! So don't worry about anything Wes has done before now, okay? You're the girl for him." I smiled, I had to admit, that made me feel much better about the whole situation. I reached over the table and gave Brooke a hug. "Thank you so much Brooke, seriously. That makes me feel so much better." She grinned at me, "No problem doll. I really like you, so I want nothing more than things to work out between the two of you! Plus, you're a killer shopping buddy." We finished lunch and hit up a few more stores before making our way back home.

"Do you wanna come over for dinner? My mom would love it if you did, the house is so empty without the boys!" I agreed and we headed into the house. "Brookie is that you?" Laraine called from the kitchen. "Yeah! I invited Marley in for dinner!" We entered the kitchen and Laraine beamed when she saw us. "Oh Marley dear, I'm so glad you're here!" She pulled me into a tight hug. Brooke smirked and mouthed, "I told you so." I laughed, "Thank you for having me! I was probably just gonna order Chinese take out or something lame tonight." She took me by my shoulders and looked at me sternly. "You know you are welcome here whenever you want. I'm happy to feed you or whatever whenever, okay?" I smiled, "Thank you Laraine. You're so sweet." She kissed the top of my head, "Brooke will you set the table?" Just then the doorbell rang. "Marley dear, will you go answer that? My hands are full." I nodded my head and headed over to the front door opening it, to find a girl with long blonde hair standing there. She was in a black sundress and had huge sunglasses on. "Hi.." I smiled at her. She took her sunglasses off, looking me up and down. "Who are you?" She snapped. I was taken aback. "Um..... I'm.. I'm Wesley's girlfriend, and you are?" She raised her eyebrows. "Wesley's new slut of the week? Typical. I'm Jessica. Is Wes here?" I just stared at her. "Excuse me? And no, he's not." I felt someone walk up behind me, but I just stood there, not breaking eye contact. "What the hell are you doing here Jessica?" It was Brooke. Jessica smirked, folding her arms across her chest. "I have some big news for Wes, I was hoping I could talk to him. So does someone wanna tell me where he is or what?" "He's not here, so why don't you just go ahead and leave. I can guarantee he wouldn't want to talk to you anyways." Jessica stood her ground and raised her eyebrows, unimpressed. "I think he will when he finds out I'm pregnant with his child." I felt like someone had kicked me in the stomach. This couldn't be happening. "WHAT?" Brooke pushed past me and gave Jessica a little shove. "Don't even try this bullshit again, it's not funny. Leave Wes and our family alone!" Jessica just laughed and pulled something out of her bag, ultrasound pictures. "Look, I even have proof that I'm really pregnant this time. Four months along, too." She pulled her dress back, tightly against her stomach and sure enough there was a baby bump. Brooke ripped the pictures out of her hand, looking at them before slamming them back into Jessica's hand. "Fuck you." She turned around, rushing back into the house and slammed the door, leaving Jessica and her stupid smirk on the front porch. I leaned against the door, sliding down until I hit the floor. I felt sick to my stomach. Brooke sat down in front of me and grabbed my face in her hands. "Listen to me, she's lying, okay? It's not Wesley's. It can't be." She sounded like she was trying to convince herself rather than me. Laraine came into the hallway and saw us on the floor. "What in the world is going on?" Brooke turned around, looking at Laraine, "It's Jessica. She's back."

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