chapter twenty-four.

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Marley's POV:

I opened my eyes briefly, taking in the sunlight streaming through the curtains. I snuggled closer into Wesley's chest and closed my eyes remembering last night,

"I love you." His voice was low and husky, sending shivers down my spine. Quickly breaking apart from our kiss, he pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his toned body. I placed my hand on his chest, slowly running my hands down to his jeans. He smirked, and bent down, planting kisses along my jawline, while his hands made his way to the hem of my shirt. In one swift movement he pulled my shirt over my head and his lips started making their way down my neck, sucking on my soft spot. A subtle moan escaped my lips and I could feel him grinning against my skin as he reached behind my back, unclasping my bra.

I smiled as i remembered last night's events. It honestly could not have gone any better than it did, it was way better than I thought it'd be. Waiting to do this with him was one of the best decisions I've made. He was the first boy I've ever been in love with, and hopefully the only one I would ever be in love with. I can't imagine a life without him, I can't imagine loving anyone as much as I love him. 

A soft sigh escaped Wesley's lips, and I felt his lips press to the top of my head. "Good morning beautiful." I sat up slightly, resting my right arm across his chest and propped my left elbow up on the mattress. I leaned in slightly kissing his lips, "Morning handsome." He grinned and squeezed me tightly. "Last night was amazing." I shrugged my shoulders, "Yeah, it was alright I guess." His brows furrowed in confusion. "Alright.....?" I giggled, "Calm down, I was kidding!" He tackled me to the bed, his body pressed down on top of mine. His lips formed into his signature smirk, "That's not funny Marley, you're gonna get it." Before I knew it he was tickling my sides and I was screaming in laughter. "WES STOP!" He kept grabbing my sides, laughing. "Say you're sorry!!" In between breaths I managed to spit out that I was sorry. His hand immediately left my sides and grasped my face. He looked down at me, inching his way closer so our lips were barely touching. "I forgive you." His lips pressed against mine and butterflies were automatically there in my stomach, my heart racing. No matter how many times we've kissed, and I mean we've kissed A LOT, he still has this effect over me; like it's our first kiss. I never want this feeling to go away. All of the sudden there was a pounding on our door. "Make yourselves presentable you two love birds, we have lunch today with Simon in 30." Leave it to Drew to interrupt us. 

"It's good to finally meet you Marley." Simon stuck his hand out. I still couldn't really believe that I was meeting THE Simon Cowell. I mean seriously right now? Lunch went well. The boys and him talked about their progress, how they did last night and what the next move was going to be. He even mentioned that no matter what happens during the show, he'd like to work with them. Wes, Drew and Keaton looked like three little boys on Christmas morning. I couldn't help but smile; these boys were finally getting the recognition they deserved. After some more chitchat, we said our goodbyes to Simon and made our way to the mall for a little pre-show shopping. The boys were nervous about the results show, so the girls and I figured it'd be good to get them out and about to take their mind off of it.

Wesley's POV:

"I love you, Wesley." Her voice was soft, she was out of breath. I pulled back slightly so I could look into her dark brown eyes. "I love you more than you could ever know, Marley." Her eyes searched mine, before she pulled me down, our lips meeting once again. Her tongue slide into my mouth as she rolled us over so she was on top. Suddenly her lips left mine and I missed them instantly. She gave me a wink before place her lips on my chest, making soft kisses all the way down my stomach. A big grin spread across my face, realizing I was the luckiest guy in the world.

Last night kept replaying in my mind all day. I've never been happier, as cliché as that sounds. But Marley really does make me so happy. I looked across the store at her as she held up a dress, showing it to Maria. They giggled about something and pulled more clothes off the racks. She looked so beautiful. I don't know what the hell she's doing with a guy like me. "Dude, you alright?" My gaze snapped away from Marley to see Drew standing in front of me with his eyebrows cocked. "Uh.. Yeah sorry. I was just thinking..." He smirked, "Thinking about last night, eh?" He nudged my shoulder and chuckled as I blushed. Seriously Wes, what the hell is wrong with you? I mentally scolded myself for acting like a girl. "You've got it bad bro. You really do love her, don't you?" My eyes wandered back over to where she was standing. Her eyes caught mine and she grinned. I smiled back before looking at Drew again. "I really do."

"The next act safe is.... Emblem3!!" Applause erupted and I grabbed onto Keaton and Drew, relief rushing through me. We quickly exited the stage to be greeted by the girls and our family. The rest of the show flew by and before I knew it, I was standing in front Dania's car saying goodbye to Marley. "I wish I didn't have work in the morning." She murmured into my neck. My grip tightened around her waist and I kissed her cheek before pulling back, pressing my lips against hers. The kiss got heated pretty quickly, but after a few minutes I could hear Keaton and Dania coming outside. Reluctantly, our lips parted. I pressed my forehead against hers, keeping my eyes closed taking in the moment. "I love you babe, see you soon okay?" I opened my eyes, finding she was staring at me. "I love you too, I'm glad we did that last night." She smiled before opening the door and climbing into the car. She gave me a wink and waved out the window as they drove away. 

Marley's POV:

"This shift could not have been any longer!! I feel like we've been working for 10 hours straight. Oh wait.... We have." Dania huffed as she pulled her hair tie out, letting her long hair loose. "Seriously though, longest day of my life!" We had to be at work at 8 in the morning and were just barely getting off at 6. It was starting to get dark out, so Dania offered me a ride home. We climbed into the car, both of us completely exhausted. "Wanna grab some Starbucks on the way home?" That's an offer I couldn't refuse, so I quickly agreed. As Dania pulled away from the curb, I heard something moving in the back seat. I turned around only to be looking into someone's eyes and a shriek escaped my lips, fear instantly flooding my entire body. "Marley, it's good to see you."  

--i'm baaaaaaaack! i've missed you lovelies! how have you all been? good i hope!!! i can't thank you all enough for sticking around and letting me take a MUCH needed break from everything. hopefully you all loved the chapter.. I figured i'd leave it at a cliffhanger so you guys will be even more excited for the next update (; just gonna let you guys know though, that updates will be sparce over the next few weeks as school comes to an end. i'm gonna have a lot of homework to do, but i'll try as hard as i can to update at least once a week!! just be nice to me (;

anywaysssss... who do you think is in the back seat of the car? pretty obvious, i feel like. hahahah. 

i wanna give a quck shoutout to my homegirl jennastromberg.. she's my bff on twitter, and i just love her so much! make sure to check out her stories- you won't regret it! she also has another account for just emblem3 stories (e3stories) and "he's famous; she doesn't care" is brilliant. 

love you dolls, vote and comment! PLEASE! i love comments and hearing from you dolls xoxo

Indigo--Emblem3/Wesley Stromberg FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz