chapter twenty-three.

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Wesley's POV:

"If we find anything out, we'll let you know. As for now, we advise against staying at your apartment just in case something else happens. We'll be using your apartment as evidence as well and question your neighbors to see if they saw anything." Marley slowly nodded her head; I reached over and squeezed her thigh, giving her a reassuring look. The police officer looked at me, sliding some paper towards me across the table. "If you could just fill out these, you two can leave. We'll be in touch." With that he left the room, leaving Marley and I alone. I quickly filled out the paperwork then stood, pulling Marley up with me. "C'mon, you can stay at my place. My mom will be more than happy to help you out." She smiled weakly, looking straight ahead. I stopped walking and turned towards her, pulling her into my arms. Finally she broke down into tears. I had been waiting for it to happen all night, I knew how insecure she was about Jessica and then the fact that she completely trashed her place and called her those fucking awful things was enough to send anyone over the edge. I stroked her hair until the crying stopped. She pulled back and looked up at me, laughing slightly. "Sorry, I feel like such a baby, I'm always crying. This is so stupid." I just smiled down at her, "Babe, you don't need to be sorry okay? You have every right to be upset." I put my arm around her shoulder, leading her to my car. "Let's go get your stuff and get you to bed. It's been a long night."

Seeing her apartment the second time around was even worse. There was broken glass everywhere, pictures ripped up, books scattered around and her clothes strewn across her bedroom. She quickly shoved some clothes and other necessities into a large bag and we got back into my car. I put the car in drive and started towards my house. I looked over at Marley; she was leaning back against the seat, staring off into space lost on thought. "What're you thinking about?" She snapped out of her trance and looked over at me, "I don't know... I was just trying to figure out how she got into the house. I mean, I locked up before I left and none of the windows were open or broken. I just don't get it.. It was like she had a key or something." That's when it hit me. "Oh my god..." We pulled into the driveway and I quickly yanked the keys out of the ignition, looking at each key frantically. Marley sat up in her seat, "What are you doing? Wes?" I looked at each key over and over again, but it wasn't there. I slumped back in my seat and shut my eyes tightly hoping this was just a bad dream. Marley gasped, "Wes don't tell me......" She took the keys out of my hand, looking at each one as well. Her face dropped, "Jessica took your key huh?" I nodded my head and muttered, that conniving little bitch." I slammed my fist down into the steering wheel. I felt Marley place her hand over mind, squeezing it gently, "Wes it's okay, it's not your fault alright? Don't worry about it. What's done is done." She was right, there's nothing I could have done about it. It's not like I knew she had stolen the key or anything. We got out of the car and went into the house to find my mom pacing back and forth across the living room floor in her bathrobe. Relief washed over her face when she saw us walk in the door. "Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're okay!" She pulled her into a tight hug, giving no signs of letting go anytime soon. "When Wes called and told me what happened, all I could think about was what would have happened if you had been in the apartment when she came!" I put my hand on my mom's shoulder giving her a look like 'let go, you're suffocating her.' My mom looked down and released Marley immediately. Marley let out a breath of relief. "Sorry Marley honey, I was just so worried!" Marley laughed and squeezed her hand. "It's okay. It's nice to have someone that cares so much." I took Marley's purse out of her hand and slung it over my shoulder. "Mom, Marley's gonna stay here this week till they find Jessica and get her apartment all cleaned up. That cool?" My mom nodded eagerly and went to make us a snack before we went to bed.

Marley's POV:

I woke up in the night four times, sweating with fear from the nightmares. They were back, but this time Lincoln's death was Jessica's fault and she was coming after Wes and his family next. "Babe, you okay?" I nodded. Wes propped himself up and looked at me, "No you're not. What's wrong? Nightmares?" I nodded my head again and looked up at him. "Come here, it's okay." He pulled me closer into his chest and began to softly sing until I had fallen back asleep.

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