--not an update

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Sorry this isn't an update, even though I wish it could be!

If you read my notes at the end of each chapter, you'll be aware of a few things:

1. I personally am not updating this story anymore--my friend Alexis is.

2. Alexis' computer erased all of the chapters we had pre-written a month back. So she has been working on re-writing EVERYTHING all over again----which if you can imagine takes quite a bit of time.

3. Alexis and I are both currently in school so that is our top priority right now. When we do have extra time we do try to update. Trust me, we haven't forgotten about the stories. I personally would really appreciate the rude comments telling me to update.

"we're tired of waiting."

"update now!"

"why don't you update more? i'm so sick of having to wait."

"the point of having a story is to update more often."

I'm sorry you guys, butttttt believe it or not I DO have a life other than writing stories for you to read! I really don't mean to come off rude, but I want you guys to know. I usually try to just ignore the comments and delete them, but I wanted to address it so you can understand where I'm coming from.

I reallyyyyyyy do love writing these stories, it's just that I don't have very much time with school anymore, which is my top priority.

Thanks for understanding!! Hopefully we'll have updates soon (:


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