chapter twenty-nine.

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Marley's POV: 

Something was missing. A piece of me was missing. I couldn't figure out what piece it was exactly, but something was definitely missing. Although everything else was foggy, Wes was the one thing that remained crystal clear. "Babe, it's gonna be okay." I snapped out of my thoughts, and stared down at the scissors in my hand. I felt a lump in my throat. "Wes.. what's wrong with me?" I managed to say before tears welled up in my eyes and began to roll down my cheeks, one by one. "Shhh, shhh," Wes whispered as he wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tight while rubbing my back. "There's nothing wrong with you. You're perfect," he whispered into my hair, which was a tangled mess. I pulled away to look at his face, and he gently wiped the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs, cradling my face in his hands. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead. He was staring into my eyes, but it seemed as if he was looking into them for an answer. An answer as to what was going on with me and how long it was gonna last. I wish I had an answer to that question. "Let's lay down," he said, leading me to my bedroom. I groaned. "I've been laying down all day." "The doctor said you needed rest. And, I'll make you feel better," Wes said with a smile.  We laid there, side by side, just staring at each other. I think both of our minds we're racing a thousand different directions at once. "I'm trying," I said softly. "What?" Wes asked, confused. I took a deep breath. "I'm trying to remember. But I'm scared," I said. "Terrified that I won't remember." He reached his arm across my body and stroked my back softly. "Me too," he said. He pulled me closer to him, until our faces were centimeters apart. I could feel his warm breath on my face, as his lips brushed against mine before finally meeting. He kissed me softly, but it became more passionate quickly. He pressed his lips harder against mine, while placing his hand on the small of my back and pressing our torsos together. This was one of the only things I could remember; the feeling I got when every inch of our bodies were touching. It wasn't a feeling anyone could forget. He toyed with the hem of the hospital nightgown that I was still wearing, before finally untying each of the ties on my back and slipping it over my head. He traced his fingers along my bare skin, which gave me goose bumps. Our lips broke contact just long enough for each of us to take a breath before meeting again. He ran his fingers along my thigh, pulling my leg on top of him so that we were even closer. I tugged at the hem of his shirt, before pulling it off completely. Things were starting to get more intense, our breathing grew heavier. He placed his lips softly against my neck, planting a trail of kisses down to my collar bone. I arched my back in pleasure, he knew what I wanted. In one swift motion, he climbed on top of me, grabbing my hands and placing them above my head, our fingers intertwined. I loved when he took control. He kissed me hard, nearly knocking the breath out of me.  Just as he pulled away I looked up at him and whispered, "Make me remember."  

Wesley's POV: 

We laid there, out of breath, every bit of our bare skin touching. Our bodies were intertwined, and our hearts were beating heavily. "I love you," she said in between breaths, "That much I do know." I kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Marley," I told her. I could tell she was scared. Before she even admitted it, I knew. I probably shouldn't have told her I was scared too, but I couldn't help it. The thought of her never regaining her memory was frightening, to say the least. My biggest fear was having her wake up next to me one day and not remember who I was. But I had to be strong for her. Marley was strong, but she needed me to be strong, too. "I'll never leave you," I blurted out. She tilted her head back, looking up at me. "What?" she asked. "If you don't remember anything.. if you forget everything, forever, I'll never leave you. Even if you forget how to drive a car, or surf, tie your shoes, or pour a glass of damn water, I won't leave you. I'm here for you, always. I'm not going anywhere," I told her. I felt like I needed to remind her, just so she wouldn't doubt it, not even for a second. A smile spread across her face. The first semi-real smile I had seen since the accident. "Good," she said, before burying her head into my chest again.  

Marley's POV: 

I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it. The sun was glaring through my window; I guess I had dozed off last night. But Wes wasn't still laying next to me. I grabbed my phone off my nightstand, and saw that I had a message from him.   

hey baby, didn't wanna wake u. last night was great. at rehearsals now, be home later. love u :)  

I smiled when I remembered what had happened last night. Even though this whole brain memory thing was kinda messing me up, he made me feel like everything was perfect last night.  I could hear the ocean waves crashing outside my window. Wes had mentioned something about surfing last night. Apparently I used to surf. Maybe it was one of those kind of things that my memory just retained. Like, walking, or breathing. So I slipped on a bathing suit that I found in one of my dresser drawers, found my surfboard in the garage and grabbed it and headed out to the beach. I carried it to the water, standing with my toes in the surf and the board under my arm. I scanned the water and noticed several people out on their boards surfing. I laid on top of my board, paddling out into the ocean. I thought I had the hang of it, until I stood up to catch my first wave. I fell. I fell hard, and it was painful. I gasped for air as I broke through the surface of the water, desperately looking for my board. I was embarrassed. From the way Wesley talked about it, I would have assumed that I would've been good at this. I tried again, and fell again, this time even harder. "I give up," I muttered to myself as I dragged my board back to shore. I sat down on my board with my head on my knees. If I used to be good at surfing, and now I didn't know how, what did this mean about everything else? I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my ankle. I reached down to touch it, and when I looked at my fingers, they were covered in a shiny, red liquid. "Shit." I glanced down and noticed a gash a couple centimeters wide on my ankle. Perfect. I must've cut it on the fin of my board when I fell. I trudged back to my house, tossing my board aside out of disappointment. I went in to the kitchen and got some rubbing alcohol and a bandage. Just as I was bandaging myself up, Wes walked in the door. He looked confused, and then immediately worried when he saw the blood on the counter. "Before you freak, I cut myself on my surfboard. It's not bad, I'm fine," I blurted out before he could say anything. He walked over to the kitchen counter and pulled the bandage off my ankle. "Let me see," he said. Like I had a choice. I rolled my eyes as his widened in shock. "Babe, you need stitches," he said. "No, I'm not going back to the hospital. I never want to go back. It's fine, I just need a band aid," I said. "No, I'm taking you right now. You don't want it to get infected do you?" he asked. I didn't care if it got infected. I didn't care if my stupid foot fell off, I didn't want to go back to the hospital. I didn't want to go back, because a part of me knew that they would find something else wrong with me while we were there, and I couldn't take that. Not right now.    

--hey dolls, whaddaya think so far?! the story has taken an unexpected turn, what do YOU think is going to happen with marley?? eeeeee! i'm excited to find out too, alexis is doing awesome. leave her some love in a commment!! comments serioiusly make writing 100x better & worth it all (:  if you leave a comment with your guess on what's going to happen next chapter, maybe we'll give you a shoutout if you get it right (:

love you guys!  

p.s. i think i really am going to do a drew story..... i'm going on vacation tomorrow for a week, then i'll probably post. thoughts? i'm only going to post if you guys will wanna read it, so let me know (:   xoxo

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