chapter twenty-one.

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Marley's POV:

Brooke squeezed herself in between Wes and I, placing her phone on the kitchen table so we could all see. She tapped the screen and the video began to play:

Jessica was standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall. She had her back facing Brooke, talking in a quiet voice, just loud enough to hear. "Yeah, I'm at their house right now. He totally fell for it this morning. You should have seen his face." She laughed hysterically. "He straight up didn't believe me. So I took him to the ultrasound and that sealed the deal. He said he'd help out with whatever I need. But he won't ditch the little brunette whore for me.....yet." She laughed again and listened to whoever she was on the phone with. "Yeah, don't worry. I'll make her run for the hills. Wes won't even have to think twice about taking me back."

The video ended and we were all silent. I didn't know if I should be happy or freaking out. I mean I was THRILLED the baby wasn't actually his! But who's was it? And what was Jessica planning to do? "Oh my god..." Wes covered his face in his hands and ran his fingers through his hair. "It's not mine." He muttered in disbelief. "It's not mine! I'M NOT GOING TO HAVE JESSICAS BABY!" He picked me up and twirled around. I couldn't help but giggle. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly. I was so happy I didn't even have time to care about Jessica and what she was planning to do. All that mattered was the baby wasn't Wesley's. He set me down and Drew walked over, picking him up in a big bear hug. I turned around and pulled Brooke into a tight squeeze. "I'm so happy you got that on tape, you have no idea." She laughed and pulled away. "No, I definitely do have an idea!" Keaton came over and hugged me, ruffling my hair. "I'm so relieved. I did NOT want to have to put up with Jessica for the rest of my life." He let out a sigh of relief. "You and me both, Keats."

It had been a week since the little Jessica thing, and there was no word after we told her we knew the truth. She wasn't pleased say the least. She tried denying it to the end, but we obviously didn't believe her. She stormed out of the house, yelling something about how we were going to regret this whole thing. I've never met such a drama queen in my entire life. I couldn't help but laugh, thinking about that night; she was pathetic. It was Wednesday morning, I woke up alone. Wesley had gone to LA with the boys four days ago for the show. The first live show was tonight and I was going with Dania, Brooke and Laraine. To say I was excited was an understatement. I got out of bed, making a smoothie for breakfast then went for a run on the beach. It was only 10, but it was already scorching outside. I only ran a few miles before I felt like I was going to die of heat exhaustion. I headed inside and took a cool shower. After showering I blow dried my hair and added a few loose curls to it, put some light makeup on and went over to my closet to find something to wear. We were leaving in about half an hour to go to the city for some shopping and dinner before the show. I settled on a black and white striped skirt, a black strappy top, blue cardigan, matching blue wedges and a straw hat. I grabbed my bag and took the bus to the Stromberg's house. I really needed to get a car...note to self. I walked into the house, not bothering to knock to find everyone there, ready to go. We all piled in the car and made the drive to LA. As we got closer and closer to the city, the butterflied in my stomach got crazier and crazier. I was so excited for the boys to perform; this was going to change everything.

Wesley's POV:

"Alright boys, jut like in yesterday's rehearsal. As long as you perform like that we'll be just fine." Simon was giving us our pep talk before the show. I stopped listening to him as soon as my eyes landed on the girl walking down the hallway towards me. I pushed Keaton aside and ran toward her. I didn't care if everyone was staring; all I needed was her in my arms again. She grinned when she saw me coming and wrapped her arms around me as I picked her up, spinning around in a circle. I stopped, but still holding her off the ground so her face was level with mine. I looked into her big brown eyes and smiled my biggest smile. "I'm so happy you're here." She leaned in and our lips met. She pulled back slightly so our foreheads were touching. "I missed you." I put her down on the ground and kissed her again before giving hugs to my mom and Brooke. Dania was off somewhere with Keaton. Probably making out in the dressing room or a closet. I sat backstage with Marley sitting in my lap until it was our turn to go. "Good luck!" She pecked my cheek and I followed Keats and Drew to the stage.

The three of us ran off stage, pumped as can be. I've never felt such a rush before, I've performed countless times but this performance was different. It was real. Getting our music out there for the world to hear was our dream, and here we were doing just that. I rushed down the stairs and into Marley's arms. "You were absolutely fantastic!!" She was grinning ear to ear, and so was I. Kissing her forehead, I squeezed her, and pulled her closer into my chest. Before I knew it she was ripped out of my arms and into Drew's. "Marleyyyyy! What did you think?!" He was jumping up and down, holding onto her. She threw her head back in laughter. "I loved it, you guys were awesome!" Drew pumped his fist in the air yelling out in victory, sending her into another fit of giggles. I felt two hands on my shoulders and turned around to see Simon. "Boys! You were absolutely fantastic! I'm so proud." We talked for a minute before he had to go back to the judge’s table before the commercial break was over. Khloe and Mario signed off and the show was over. Everyone was hanging out backstage until LA came back to announce there was an after party at the hotel down the street to celebrate the first live show. My mom and Brooke went home, but Marley and Dania stayed for the party.

The party was totally bumpin' by the time we got there. I couldn't believe how many people there were. Marley immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me out to the dance floor and we danced for what felt like hours. My feet were killing me, so I took her hand and lead her to a table on the side of the room. We took a seat and ordered some drinks. "I haven't gone let loose like this in forever. I'm having so much fun!" She was grinning, there was a sparkle in her eye. I loved seeing her this happy and excited about something. She was right, it did feel good to let go and just have fun. Especially after everything that happened over the last week. The fact that we haven't heard from Jessica since we called her out on her scheme is kinda sketch to me... I was just really hoping she wasn't going to try and pull anything else. She's such a psychotic bitch; I wouldn't be surprised if she did. She was clearly jealous of Mar, so who knows what she's going to try to do to her. I couldn't stand to let anything happen to Marley. "You okay?" Marley tilted her head and reached across the table, placing her hand on top of mine. "Yeah I'm good." She didn't believe me. "Wes. What's wrong." I sighed, "Nothing, I'm just thinking about Jessica......." She raised her eyebrows. "I'm just worried about what she's going to try to do to us, to you." She gave me a soft smile, "Wes, it's been a week. If she was going to do something, don't you think she would have done it by now? C'mon, let's go dance some more." She hopped out of her seat and disappeared into the sea of people. I followed her, hoping with all my heart she was right.

 --hey lovelies! okay so don't hate me for taking so long to post!!!!! i have a valid excuse, it was my birthday on wednesday, and yesterday i had two exams! hopefully you can all forgive me (;

anywayyyyyys..hope this chapter was okay. it was mostly just a filler chapter. next chapter some crazy shit is gonna go down, so be ready!! i'm excited.

this chapter is dedicated to none other than Madds_135! she guessed it right..the baby wasn't wesley's! 

THE WINNER to my contest is Zezemi (: their favorite chapter was eight, when mar opens up to wes and tells him about lincoln. -- "I guess it is because theres something about people being trustworthy enough that you can tell them something like that, that you can tell them how its affected you since the moment it happened, that makes me believe that maybe theres still some hope for this world." -- i'm in love when what her comment was. got yourself a character in the book baby! message me so we can chit-chat (:

here's the link to marley's outfit: my account on polyvore is allikabobo55 (: (click the external link)

okay well that's all i have to say for now, i love you all! you inspire me to keep up the hard work, you're amazing!! i cna't thank you enough for all your support, i'm so glad you guys actually enjoy this story!! vote, vote, vote! i'll have a new chapter up sunday night (: maybe tomorrow if i'm feelin' it. xoxo

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