My name is... {Chapter 2}

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You drive home petrified, you have no clue on why that just happened, it just... happened, and for some reason, you enjoyed it. No Y/N, you need to stop! You have a boyfriend! You scream to yourself. You get home to see Dustin waiting for you, he smiles and gives you a hug.

"Hi babe!" He smiles.
"Hi..." You mutter.
"So how was work?"
"Good." You reply, you can't stop thinking about that purple man.
"Well uh, I made popcorn, and I bought something for you!"

You watch as the removes the hand he has behind his back, you look at it and you realize it was your favourite movie: F/M! You cheer, you've been wanting it forever, you have watched it in theatres so many times, but you never had the time to buy it.

"I'll go put on my PJ's, ok?" You smile.
"Go! Hurry!" Dustin chuckles, pushing you towards your room.

You run into your room and slam the door, you quickly take off your shirt and look for your favourite shirt, which had F/M on it. You're about to take off your bra when you feel something warm touch your shoulders.

"Hello, beautiful~" A voice whispers in your ear. You scream and immediately turn around to see it's him, the purple guy.

"How did you get in here?!" You scream, he places his finger on your lips.
"I have my ways..." He answered. "Now be quiet, we don't want him listening."
"He is my boyfriend!" You shout.

He looks at you, then the door, he walks towards it and locks it.

"Well then..." He says, inching closer and closer to your face. "He's going to have to find a new girlfriend."
"What!?" You scream. "You can't just do that?! You can't just take me like that! You are the most-"

Before you could finish, his lips were crashing against your's, you try to deny entry but he's too strong. He breaks off the kiss and says:

"Don't taunt me Y/N. Only I can do that."

He places you on the bed and places his knee on your crotch, you let out a moan soon regretting it.

"See? I knew you could be a good girl." He says, licking and sucking on your neck.

In your mind you know this is completely wrong, but your body begs for more. You look at him with your big, E/C eyes.

"How do you know my name?" You ask.
"Again," He says. "I have my ways."

You somehow find a way to escape his grasp and you unlock the door, you run out and you run towards Dustin, hugging him for safety.

"Are you ok Y/N?" He asks, he then flushes red.
"Y-yeah, I just got scared, that's all."

You notice he isn't staring at your face, you follow his eyes to your bra, you blush intensely and you run back into your room. He was still there.

"This time..." He smirks. "I'm not letting you leave."

He grabs you and places you again on your bed, this time, instead of 'getting it on' he rolls you up into the blankets making you a human burrito. You look at him as he clenches a fist, you then black out.


You wake up, you weren't in your room, you were in a bed, the walls were black and the lights were still in, you felt claustrophobic. You wiggled up to see that you were sleeping with the purple man, you immediately stared at his abs, you never thought there would be that under the uniform. He woke up and looked at you.

"By the way," He holds his hand out. "I'm Vincent."

You then felt like a complete idiot, you never asked him what his name was!

You Can't Run {Vincent x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now