Missing Her {Chapter 7}

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Vincent's P.O.V (A/N This is a bonus chapter for over 100 views/reads! Thanks!)

I miss her.
I'm so sorry Y/N.
I'm so sorry.

I sat on the bench with a bunch of other prisoners. I could always hear him talking about me.

Kid Killer they call me.
Why didn't they call Foxy that? Or maybe they did...
I did.

I miss her.
I've got to stop bringing her up.
I wonder what she's doing right now...
No, stop, just think of a way to get out of here.

Prisoners looked at me strange, probably 'cause I killed kids, or the fact that I'm purple. You know, I wasn't always purple, I used to look normal. I remember my mother always being around for me, while my alcoholic father beat me up. I remembered it all, so crystal clear:

My mother and father used to get along until I was born. My mother loved me so much, my father, did not want kids. He hated me and it didn't help that he was drinking, probably the cause of my birth. My mother was a kind women, she loved me and my father, even though my dad was a huge dick. I walked home from my dad's house, I love walking, I love the trees and the flowers and just well... nature! Plus I wanted to get away from the arguing, my mother would always be happy to pick me up, but a I told her not to. I didn't want her to get yelled at.

He didn't deserve my mom.
He didn't even deserve to live.

One day when I came home , I was probably 14, my mother was, dead. A pool of blood surrounded her, I knew she wouldn't of killed herself, she loved life. I noticed a piece of glass on the floor, I picked it up to realize it came from a... beer bottle. Anger and sadness came over me, I kneeled on the ground and began crying. I had to avenge my mom, so I decided to investigate. I heard the water running in the bathroom, when I got there, I was right. I turned off the water and noticed a bloody knife, the murder weapon. I held it up in the air, I suddenly saw something purple in the mirror, probably just my hair, but when I looked up...

I wasn't me.
I was different.

My skin was purple, my eyes were pure white, I had a creepy grin. I backed up slowly and ran out of the bathroom with the knife, I noticed the wounds: head, neck, chest. They were deep cuts too. I called the police, they could do something... I knew they could...

I stopped thinking about my past, it was time for me to go in my cell. I laid down on the hard bed and looked out the window that was made of bars: stars. Stars everywhere. I could shape Y/N in the stars, that's all I could think of.

I'm insane.
I'm a murderer.

I closed my eyes, hoping to be free the next morning.


I woke up, the cops were patrolling and some of the prisoners were walking around. They opened my cell, I walked out to see a prison fight happening. The officers were trying to stop it but it was no use, they just wouldn't stop. No one was going to walk in that fight. Some people rooted, while others did whatever. All the officers were trying to stop the fight... all of them.

All of them... were distracted.
They weren't paying attention to any of us.

I noticed the keys jingling and jangling in the back of the officers pocket. I sneakily took the keys and quietly ran off. I noticed the entry and was about to unlock the door to my freedom.

"What do you think you're doing?" The voice asked behind me.

I turned around, only to see an officer.

So I guess not all of them were distracted.

I noticed the room where they kept the prisoners items, I noticed something shining from the box that said Vincent. My knife, my beautiful knife.

I swiftly got the knife, the officer backed up nervously. He knew that no one could save him, I licked the dry blood off the knife, accidentally cutting my tongue. I chuckle at the pain, it doesn't hurt, it just tickles. I stabbed the officer and watched him fall, a pool of blood starting to form. I then paused, the officer began to slowly and slowly look like my mom.

I'm a murderer...
What am I doing?
Why am I like this?
Why does Y/N even like me?!

I opened the door, and for the first time, ok, second time, I was scared.

But I was free.

I walked out to smell the polluted air, it was just plains. I dug underneath the wall, I've done it before. This wasn't my first time in jail. I crawled into the tunnel and buried the dirt behind me, I was free, I killed a man, but I was free.

I can add that to my killing list:

5 children
1 police officer

I began running, energy boosting inside of me. I was finally going to see Y/N.
I was going to see her again.
I'm so sorry Y/N...
for everything.
I am murderer, a murderer with a change of heart.

Author's Note:
Thank you guys so much for reading, I love how my story is going and I'm so grateful that people actually love what I write!
-ThatOneFanfictioner ◕‿◕

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