Never Again {Chapter 11}

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It's been 2 weeks, you can finally do things again. Vincent kisses you all the time, he really did miss you. You embraced every moment of it, this wasn't a hallucination, this was real. You've been wondering about Jeremy, you whip out your cell and dial his number. Vincent hears the dialling from the kitchen.

"Who are you calling?" He asks curious, looking in your direction.
"A friend." You answer truthfully, he looks unconvinced.

You hear the phone ring for awhile, the phone stops ringing and you hear him blowing his nose, hopefully on a tissue.

"Hey Jeremy! How was your mom's?"
"It was ok, it was mostly about my brother."
"Yeah, she told me how he's always changing, one day he's so happy, the next day, he's dying."
"What's your brother's name?" You take out a pen and paper.
"Who's Jeremy?" Vincent asks, you look at him quickly.
"Shhh. Just a sec."
"His name is Jason."

You wrote it down.

"Ok, that's a cool name, by the way, you sound sick, are you?"
"I caught a cold from my brother, but it's fine, it's just minor."
"Ok. I'll talk to you later ok?"
"Ok, talk to you then."

You hanged up, Vincent grabbed you by the waist.

"Seriously, who is this guy?" He asks.
"He's a friend! His name is Jeremy!" You practically shout.
"Are you sure about that?" Vincent asked, you could see jealousy in his eyes.

You would tell him what Jeremy told you, but maybe Jeremy didn't want to get out of the closet yet. So you kept quiet.

"Are you just jealous, Vincent?" You smirk, his face turns all serious.
"What! No! I believe you, if you say that he's a friend, then he's a friend." He began rambling.
"Well, I got to go to the store, I'll see you soon." You say, kissing Vincent.
"S-see you." Vincent says all love struck.


You're at the store, you needed to get a special someone a special something, and you needed to get a card. You bought the items and as you were leaving the store, you went to the community board, where you see a wanted poster. You couldn't believe what you saw:

For murdering young children.
Reward will be $1000

You rip the poster up, crumple it into a ball, and threw it in the trash, only to see more outside. Vincent had to stay inside, he just had to, you weren't going to lose him again, not after all you've been through.

You weren't going to lose him again, never again. You jumped into your car, with the poster swirling around in your thoughts.

When you got home, there Vincent was, waiting for you outside. He smiles but in his eyes he's still curious, yes, I know his eyes are completely white, but you could still see emotion in them, even the emotion of getting lost in them... Oh right, you push Vincent inside, and you slam the door, locking it.

"Are you ok, Y/N?" He asks.

Do you tell him? Maybe just wait for awhile...

"Y-yeah, oh, um, I bought you something."

You pull out a box, he opens it, and inside there's a shiny, silver toaster. You could see his wide grin in the reflection.

"You didn't forget?" Vincent smiles, placing the toaster down and hugging you tight.
"I would never forget." You respond, you did forget about it a couple days ago though but you just don't tell him.

He cheerfully opens up the box, he starts off carefully ripping it but soon he's just ripping the cardboard into pieces. The cardboard paper flies everywhere. You just love the wide smile he has on his face as he plugs in the toaster, he's goes through the pantries, he begins panicking and looking as though he is about to kill someone. Hopefully not you.

"What's wrong?" You ask, he gives you teary eyes.
"We don't have bread."

You laugh at how convenient that was, he looks at you unamused.

"Hey! This isn't funny!"
"Then why am I laughing?"
"C'mon Y/N! I'm serious!"
"Fine, I'll go get some br-"

Before you can finish, he's hugging you, so tight that you can barely breath. He finally let's go and smiles at you.

"I can go." Vincent suggests.
"No!" You shout, he looks confused. "I don't want you to get sick!"
"It's spring, it's not as common." Vincent said, he softly moves you aside, and open the door.

You grab his arm, he rips out of your grasp and walks off, you chase him. You go in front of him and place both hands on his chest. He smirks and places his hands on your waist, he dip kisses you, your fear of falling kicks in and you wrap your arms around his neck. It was old fashioned, but it was cute. You hold him tightly, pulling on his shirt. You begin to slightly tear up, you didn't want to lose Vincent again, you slowly felt his warm arms on your back.

"Vincent... please, please go inside." You mumbled in his shirt.
"Why?" He says, he pulls you away from his chest, examining your face.
"What's wrong, Y/N?" He says sympathetically. He begins to lick the tears off your face.
"Is that me?" He looks up, and walks up towards one of the posters.

He rips it off and begins to read it, his face becomes concerned. He walks back to you, and he looks at you, still with a concerned face.

"Did you know about this?" He asks, you try to resist...

You begin sobbing, you buried your face in Vincent's shirt. He doesn't hold back.

"Don't worry... nothing will happen. I promise."

The sun sets, you go inside and you guys snuggle for awhile. He keep murmuring to himself, you try to listen but he just won't let you.

"Vincent, since I met you, my life's been so crazy."
"So has been mine."

You smile. Yes, it was cheesy, but it was cute. You slept on him that night. You had a really weird dream, there were 5 children.

Author's Note:
Hi! Thanks so much for continuing to read this! I just think it's so bad! I'm so happy to write this!
-ThatOneFanfictioner ヽ(^◇^*)/

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