Who's this 'Jeremy' guy? {Chapter 13}

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Vincent's P.O.V

So recently Y/N has been talking to this new guy named Jeremy. I guess they met when I was in prison, I don't like Jeremy... I don't trust him.

I bought what I needed and I left.

I walked to then pizzeria to pick up Y/N, I really needed to tell her something. Her car was still there, good. I walked into the pizzeria, the animatronics slowly went into hiding.

I walked into the office, my jaw must've hit the ground. No one was there, there was blood on the wall and floor, and there was a knife. No... no this couldn't be happening.

I remember the doctors saying that this was something that have never seen, they kept me there for 3 weeks until I decided to escape. I knew I had to avenge my mom,the police still haven't done anything, her funeral was next week. I hope not to see my father there, or maybe we can bury him on the same day. I remember having the grin of the Cheshire Cat. I found a sharp piece of glass in the alleyway and headed for my father's house. I knocked on the door, as soon as he opened it, I tackled him to the ground.

"Vincent! What are you-?!"

I stabbed his leg with the glass. Hearing him scream gave me the delight knowing that I was getting revenge.

"Vincent, why are you doing this?" He said through groans.
"Vince, no you don't understand, let me explain."

I stabbed him in the chest, missing the heart. Blood began spraying everywhere. I laughed at the pain he was going through.

"Vince, you're mother was cheating on me!" He said, that doesn't mean you kill her though!
"He was going to kill her Vince!"
"I hit him with it but it was too late, your mother was dead."

Anger bottled up inside of me, this time I got him, he screamed.

"Vincent, I tried to save her, she's been cheating on me this whole time! I took away the body and beat the shit out of him. I then began drinking, I knew your mom's dark secret. I'm sorry if I never told-"

I began twisting the glass, still in his chest, he screamed in pain. At his final breath he said:

"I love you, I know I deserved this, and I hope one day you can forgive me..."

It was done. I collapsed to the ground and began crying, why was I such a fool?! My feelings were bottled up for so long that I jumped to conclusion that it was him. I was a monster. I ran into his bathroom, and stared at myself.

I wasn't me anymore.
I was a purple guy.
The purple guy.

Jeremy! It had to be him! There was no one else here, and I know for sure that Y/N would never kill anyone. My life is repeating itself, maybe she's still alive!

I noticed a trail of tissues, there was moisture on them: tears. I began following the trail, to where it ended at the hospital, I bolted through the entrance. The clerk just stared at me lazily.

"What can I do for you?"
"What room is Y/N in?" I asked trying not to panic.
"Sorry, but there's no one here named Y/N." She said looking for her name in the computer.

I ran into the hallways, hearing the clerk demanding me to come back, but I was on a mission right now. I checked every room, every floor, I was filled with energy, I finally got to the top floor, and there she was, sitting on a chair as Jeremy was on the bed.


Y/N noticed me, she ran towards me crying.

"You stabbed him?" I asked, I know that's probably not the first thing I should have asked, but I wasn't thinking straight.
"No! He uh..." She trailed off. Oh, I understood.

I'm glad I didn't immediately pounce onto Jeremy and beat him up. He fell asleep so me and Y/N went to the nearest cafe. We grabbed a coffee and we laughed and talked.

"Vincent, I love you." Y/N said, kissing me in the cheek.
"Like I haven't heard that 1 million times." I teased.
"Stop it you." She said, playfully pushing me.

We headed for the car and we just stared at each other for awhile. I got lost in Y/N's E/C eyes. We both leaned closer and closer, I caught her off guard by practically jumping on her, I kissed her and she allowed me to roam her.

She made me always remember the first day I met her: The girl who pretty much thought I was a perv, to the girl who loved me.

"I was nervous you left me for Jeremy." I finally confessed, breaking our kiss to breath.
"Vincent, I need to tell you something..."

The suspense was killing me, did she hate me? Did she want to have sex with me? She took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

"Jeremy's gay."
"Oh." I muttered, I was kind of expecting something else.

Well, that's good, now I don't have to worry about him.
I then remembered what I bought.

Author's Note:
Thanks for reading this chapter! I'm so happy that people are actually reading this!
I think I'm turning insane.
Pppffft. That's a lie, I already am.
-ThatOneFanfictioner ヅ

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