News that Kills {Chapter 5}

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You wake up the next morning, your stomach doesn't hurt as much and you're feeling quite better. You get up, Vincent was gone, probably making toast. You check your phone. It was a message from Jess. Wasn't she supposed to come yesterday?

Hey Y/N!
Sorry that I couldn't make it, the plane is taking longer than I expected. But as soon as I get there, I will be spending every second with you! I'll see you soon!

You sighed, you kind of expected that anyways. You text her back.

Hey Jess!
That's fine. As soon as you get here, we'll go to the mall and we'll just have fun! I want to know all about your travels! I'll see you soon!

You slouch on the couch. Jess was always late, it was time to get a new friend. You get up and walk into the kitchen to see Vincent. You notice him tinkering with the toaster. He turns around to look at you, he wipes his eyes.

"Are you c-crying?" You ask, holding in laughter.

You raise an eyebrow.

"What happened?" You ask him.
"The toaster broke." He says, a tear slides down his cheek and into his stubble.

You give a sympathetic smile and you kiss him.

"Why don't we go grab a bagel?" You suggest, he looked confused.

You grab his arm and drag him into your car, you begin driving and we reach to Timmy's. You order a bagel for you and Vincent. You pass him the bagel.

"What's this?" He asks, staring at it.
"A bagel." You respond.

You watch as he examines the bagel, he takes a bite, his eyes light up.

"This is ok, not as great as toast, but it's better than nothing."

You eat your bagel as you drive to the pizzeria, when you get there. Mike glares at you. You awkwardly chuckle, you feel sweat dripping down your forehead.

"Hi Mike!" You say cheerfully.
"Hi Y/N!" He says surprisingly cheerful.

You then notice a guy, he looks strange, his phone looks like a head.

"Hi, I'm Scott, but you can call me PG." He introduces himself, holding out his hand.
"Hi, I'm Y/N." You say, shaking his hand. "Are you new?"
"Nah, I've been here for a long time, I just work in the back."
"Ah." You say in wonder, he was so lucky, he had his own office by himself.

You awkwardly leave and do your shift, you enjoyed watching kids, and you always had to make sure Vincent wasn't beating up children. The manager confronts Vincent. You worry that he's going to get fired, but he was given a golden suit. He leaves and comes back wearing a golden Freddy suit.

"Don't ask." Vincent immediately warns as you try to hold in your laughter.
"I won't." You say ready to burst of laughter.

You continue your shift, and as you watch the kids, you see a lot of them like the golden Freddy suit. Vincent doesn't enjoy the amount of children surrounding him. You finish your shift, and you wait for Vincent outside the pizzeria. After half an hour, he finally leaves, his hair shadows his eyes, he stares at his feet.

"You ok?" You ask.
"Yeah, just a lot of annoying kids, that's all."
"I'll make it all better." You purr.

You get to the car, and drive home, you wish you could help out Vincent, but how? You get home and you leave on your bra and underwear, you put on a house coat. Tonight it was time to do the deed. You get all flirty around Vincent, he smirks. But then, his eyes widen.

"I-I gotta go." He says, opening the door.
"W-why?" You ask, your bottom lip trembles.
"They told me I had to do night shift, don't worry, I'll be fine." He gives you a kiss and a reassuring smile.
"Ok." You sigh.

He pulls you into a kiss and leaves. You stand there, in your house coat, a tiny bit disappointed. You sit down on the couch and check your phone, maybe there was something good on TV? It wasn't fun being by yourself. You then hear a knock on the door, maybe Vincent had changed his mind? When you open the door, you see Jess. You give a giant smile and hug her, she hugs you back.

"Hi Y/N!" Jess exclaims.
"Jess!" You exclaim, you bring her to your living room.
"Is it time for a movie marathon?" She asks smiling. You nod in excitement.

You grab your PJ's and you let Jess change in the bathroom. You place in your F/M and you begin to watch. You were so excited that Jess could actually come, in the middle of the movie, you get phone call. You pause the movie and you pick up the phone.

"Who is it?" Jess asks, you place the phone to your ear.
"Hello?" You answer, at the other end you can hear sirens.
"Hi, it's Scott."
"Oh, hi."
"Yeah, uh, it's about Vincent."

Your eyes widen, you look at Jess as she looks at you in confusion.

"Go on." You tell Scott. You hear him clear his throat.
"Well, he's under arrest."

Your heart shatters, and tears build up in your eyes, you try to avoid making eye contact with Jess, there was no need to getting her concerned. You walk to the bathroom and lock yourself in.

"W-why?" You ask, trying to hold back tears.
"We found out he had murdered 5 children. We cannot find the bodies though, we saw him kill them on the camera."

Your whole life collapses. You sit on the toilet and wipe the tears away. It was silent for awhile, you knew that as soon as you started talking you would begin to cry. You sit there silently.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N..." Is all you can hear Scott say before you hang up. You sob uncontrollably. How come I didn't act like this about losing Dustin? You thought, you could probably answer your own question. Because I love Vincent.

You hear knocking on the door.

"Y/N? Y/N are you ok?"
"No! I'm not ok!" You scream. You were just being honest.
"What's wrong? Let me in!"

You unlock the door, Jess hugs you. She might be a bad friend, but she's the greatest hugger. You feel comfortable in her arms, it was kind of like being in Vincent's arms, but more cold. The reminder of Vincent made you begin to cry.

"What happened? Who was on the phone?"

You begin to explain everything, how you got a new job, how you met a guy on the job, how you did things and slowly fell in love. Jess gave a cute, sweet smile. But her smile was soon a frown when you tell her that this guy has just been arrested for murder. She was silent for a moment, she finally spoke up.

"What about Dustin?"

Something hits you: Dustin. What did he ever do for you? Make you pancakes? That wasn't enough, he didn't kiss you passionately, he didn't hold you tight, he didn't even visit you in the hospital! Who did all those things? Vincent! All this time you were avoiding someone you loved, you finally had the answer.

"I'm not his anymore."

Author's Note:
Thanks for reading Chapter 5! I actually love this chapter! Comment below if there's any mistakes and just comment 'cause you want to! I don't control you! I'm guaranteed that I will write more! By the way, how many chapters should there be? Not that I want it to stop, just that I need to finish one day!
-ThatOneFanfictioner. (*^U^)人(≧V≦*)/

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