It's Him {Chapter 10}

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You went back home, while Jeremy drove to his mother's house. You hope his brother is alright. Vincent was still in jail, you were alone. Sometimes you enjoyed being alone, but today was not that day. You changed into your PJ's and watched TV until you couldn't keep your eyes open. You turned off the TV and was heading for bed, when you heard a knock on the door. Probably Jeremy or something like that. You opened the door, and you were immediately hugged from behind.

"Hi babe." The voice said, it sounded familiar to you, then you knew who it was:


"H-hi..." You stutter, pushing him away.
"It's me!" He explained, spinning around.
"I know it's you. Just, go away." You say sternly, showing him the door.
"Why? 'Cause you didn't want me to know about your arrested boyfriend?" He says.
"What? How did you-?" Before you can finish, you are pushed forcefully, you fell down the stairs at the entrance.

Your head throbs, you look up to see Dustin just evilly glaring at you. You get up, even though it hurts, and run. Dustin laughs and begins to chase after you. Why is he acting like this? Because I'm dating someone else? You thought, which you shouldn't have, you trip and fall onto the ground. You could feel Dustin grab your feet and drag you, you try to grab onto something but it's no use. You know you didn't like Dustin but you had to admit that he was clever, he was about to kill you, in the middle of the night, no one is awake to here you scream, Vincent was in jail, and Jeremy was at his mother's, you were so screwed.

"D-Dustin, what are you d-doing?" You stutter, your stomach began rubbing off the concrete, the used-to-be-knife-slash-that-is-now-a-scab began ripping and bleeding, you silently screamed in pain.

"Dustin... stop!" You command, like he's going to listen.

You just close your eyes, hoping for all of it to disappear.


You opened your eyes, Dustin held a bunch of knifes, he mumbled to himself.

"Hmmm, should I use this one? Or this one?"

You shivered in fear. You didn't think you were going to die like this. You try to get up, but you're in deep pain, so you laid back down. You looked at yourself, you already had stab wounds. You were going to die, you were going to die.

Sweat slid down your face. Dustin was still deciding on knives, you had to find something in your reach, you noticed the pipe you had to install. Leaky roof, no need for explanation. You reach out to grab it, you hear Dustin.

"I'll just use this one."

He walks towards you with a knife, he grinned, he wasn't the Dustin you knew. You felt something cold in your hands, it was the pipe, you grab and swing at Dustin's head, who immediately falls to the floor with a thud. You slowly get up, you got up and walked towards the phone.

"Not so fast!" Dustin said, grabbing your foot.

You screamed as you hit the floor, Dustin grinned and began to stab your leg, you screamed in pain and soon you were tearing up.

"What happened to you?" You asked Dustin, sniffling.

He didn't speak, but continued stabbing, he began going higher, stabbing your thighs. You noticed Dustin's head was bleeding. You screamed and tried to kick him off, but he wouldn't budge. He stabbed your stomach, and then your chest, he was probably not going to kill you yet, just let you suffer. You saw blood on his hands. This was it. You were going to die.

You didn't even get to say "I love you" to Vincent.

Your vision was getting blurry, you suddenly heard a smack and a thud, you heard someone screaming. Then you were being dragged away, this was not the way you wanted to die.


You woke up, good. In a familiar hospital, your vision was beginning to clear up. There he was, Vincent. He smiled at you, you began to tear up, Vincent went beside you, and hugged you, you began crying.

"Vincent, is that really you?" You asked weakly.
"Of course, I wasn't going to leave you."

It was silent as you two hugged. Vincent finally spoke.

"Do you still love me? After everything that has happened?"
"What kind of question is that? Of course I still love you, I missed you so much!" You responded.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't myself. Will you still love a murderer?" Vincent asked, tearing up.
"A name doesn't defy you, Vincent." You answered before the pain hit you.

You groaned in pain, and Vincent helped you.

"Is Dustin dead?" You asked faintly.
"He should be glad he is, or he'll have to deal with me."

Dustin is dead, you smiled.


You hugged for awhile, you kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear.

"I love you."

Author's Note:
Thanks for reading! Yay! Vincent's back! Are you guys happy.

Vincent: Well I'm happy.
Me: Good, so what are you planning to do after Y/N gets better.
Vincent: I can't tell you, I'll spoil it.

Ok well, I guess we'll have to wait.
-ThatOneFanfictioner ◕3◕

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