Close call

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Lena's: POV
Lena was in her office doing her normal routine. Taking calls from women who needed her assistance
The girls were at school and Stef was at work, Lena couldn't stop thinking about the girl who called in a week ago. She knows not to attach to these callers, but it was something in the young woman's voice that stuck out
in there conversation. Lena had all the girls information, that popped up on Lena's computer screen that night
Her name phone number and Address
Lena took a few other calls today
Several women having been calling
And saying they were all assaulted by the same guy at different times.
in Lena's mind it was a coincidence
That these women had given her
The same story as the one who called
A week before. Lena couldn't they were all drug, and nobody was to scared to press charges against this prick. Lena's heart went out to the girls, she didn't know what to do
in order to help. So many scenarios
Flood her brain, should she contact
The dean of the University to inform her that there's a rapist on the campus
That would raise suspension. Her mother was coming over for lunch in a little while, she figures her mother would know what to do. She was good at handling these types of situations
Not to say Lena wasn't qualified on how to handle these kinds of things
Lena didn't want to get the police involved, because it would cause to many red flags. Lena sat at her desk deep in thought, trying to process everything. Lena heard the door bell ringing, she looked up on the surveillance camera Lena saw her mother standing there with a brown paper bag. Lena gets up from her seat and goes to answer the door, Dana
Stuart and Stef knew the code to get in the security gate, Lena greeted her
With a hug. Daring how's your day going so far, by the look on your face
I take it not so we'll. Dana says to Lena, mommy l've been getting calls from young women who were sexually assaulted by the same Man
Who attack one girl a week prior
Mom l don't know how to help them
They haven't spoken to the authorities about it, they all have been examine at the hospital Lena said. Here me out first before you speak, l know you haven't been outside in quite some time. Because what you went through years ago, those men who rape you
Are behind bars and they can't harm you. You're gonna have to take back control over your life again, l hate that you keep yourself bound in this house all the time. Dana replies
Mommy you know how bad l wanna get out this house, Stef suggested we all go camping this weekend. But it was Amelia who wants to go, l feel safety here indoors like nothing can harm me. Lena replies, about this whole thing with these young women
There's not much we can do, it's their choice if they don't want to file a police report against their perpetrator
Maybe someone else will have the heart to come forward. Just remember you did your part by listening to them, anywhere
I brought you some lunch so how's everything going. Dana asks
Mom I keep having the same reccuring nightmare where they break out of jail and come find me
I don't want to wake up Stef in the middle of the night, she has a lot on her plate as it is Lena Stated. Honey she's your wife and you got let Stef in
You can't keep your feelings bottled
Up. It will drive you crazy Dana tells her daughter, they begin eating
Talking. Lena feels a little better now that she talked with her mom

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