The lodge

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Stef's: POV
It's our first official day outdoors due to the heavy snow storm we had too Days ago
I looked out the window and saw the walkway was shoved. Being up here in Aspen Colorado and blocking out the outside world, l tried calling my mother in law to check up on the kids. The operator said all circuits were busy l guess I'll have to try again later, l head into the living room and watch the news so I turned on the TV and scanned through the guide
I finally found the News channel. As l was watching it they were talking about the campus rapist who was recently caught by police at his apartment. Stef couldn't believe they got the guy who sexually assaulted those young woman now justice will be severd, he'll be off the streets put in prison for his crimes. I'm kinda surprised Carl never called me, he could have but all circuits are busy from the Strom. I turned off the television and go into the kitchen to get breakfast started so when Lena wakes up, the food will be ready. I take out all the ingredients for blue berry waffles, eggs cute canloupe slices. We might head into town later on this afternoon, depending on how Lena's feeling. We're heading home on Monday morning, this trip has been good for the both of us. I missed the kids
I know Dana's taking good care of them
That's all that really matters, l plug in the waffle maker then spray some pam spray in the waffle maker. I waited till it heated up a bit before pouring the batter inside, l promise the girls l would bring them something back from our trip in Aspen Colorado. Our son is still to little to understand where's going on, he's five months now. Since I made lieutenant
Over a year ago, it gave me more money in my pockets. But l been thinking about doing something else, l'm missing the little milestones in my children's lives. I wanted to make a difference but lately I feel there's out there better for me to do, l don't feel that rush anymore like I use to. I have given ten years of my life to SUV, now it's time for me make some changes in my life. I'll need to talk it over with Lena to get her input
We have plenty of money set aside for emergencies. I wanna be able to watch our kids grow up, Lena's home with them every day. While l'm at work, she's never once complained.

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