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Stef's: POV
I hit the alarm button for the second time. Morning came to fast
It felt like l just went to sleep a few hours ago, l knew that I needed to get up and ready for a long day at the precinct. Lena must be up already
Cause I could smell food from downstairs, she's always up way before the rest of us. Since having our son three months ago, she gets up with him. I get out the bed and stretch
And then head to the bathroom,
I turned on the shower. While waiting for it to heat up, l brush my teeth
Once l'm finished l get undress and step into the shower. The water feels good, l washed my hair first. Me and the girls had a blast at the basketball game on Saturday, our youngest daughter couldn't stop talking about it
She's shown Lena her autograph copy with all the team members names on a tee shirt. We brought back ton of souvenirs for Lena, Mom cooked us dinner on Sunday. The clippers game comes on tonight, l made sure to record it on the DVR on all the TV's in the house. We are all sports fans in this home, my oldest daughter plays soccer. I hurry up and wash up
Cause I have to drop off the girls to school first, it doesn't take me long to finish. I turned off the water
I hope we can catch this guy that's going around assaulting these young women on the college campus. Me and My squad keeps coming up empty
According to what we have been told
These attacks take place on Fridays and Saturdays at the frat parties
I drier off. And put on my bra and panties, today l'm wearing my blue khaki pants and long white shirt
With my black blazer. I keep my gun at the job, even though l have a safe in the closet. I head back in the bathroom to do my hair and makeup
I don't wear that much. Only eye liner
Foundation and lip gloss that's mostly it, l put my wallet in my book bag
And go downstairs where l see the girls eating breakfast. Lena's in the living room nursing the baby, morning baby. She said to me
Good morning love l say back to her
And give Lena a kiss on the lips
Then our son. There's a pot of fresh coffee, french toast and bacon
I packed your lunch too Lena states
Alright babe Stef replied.

Taking Back control Of My LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora