My loves birthday

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Stef's: POV
As l look over and see my beautiful wife asleep. Today is her birthday
I took a few days off from work to spend some time with my love
I booked us a cabin in Aspen Colorado
Where due to leave later on today
My mother in law knows what l have plan, l purchased our plane tickets
A few weeks ago. Lena doesn't suspect a thing, she gave me the family l always wanted. Even though she barely leaves the house, what happened to her all those years. It didn't just affect her, it effected both of us as a couple. That's why I wanted to become a cop to get perpetrators off the street, for sexually assaulting
Young women every where.
I want to put an end to this vicious cycle, that's why l've been working on this case so hard to catch the man that's been violating on that college campus. It's my mission to make sure these women get the justice they deserve, maybe l'm doing this because
I feel bad for not going out with Lena that night. I know l can't continue to blame myself, but I'll be damn to see another man get off Scott free to the crimes he's committed against women
I've done the whole survivor support group and listen to the stories of everything these women endure
Now my baby has lost the use of her arm due to the severe Nerve damage
She stuffed during the attack she went through. Lena has had a total of three operations, we've been to specialist after specialist. They all said the same thing, we spent thousands of dollars
Lena doesn't want to go through another surgery again. I just hate seeing her in pain, she wears a brace
Lena has some movement but not much. She's not at a hundred percent
Lena's between sixty and eighty better, she has to take shots for the pain sometimes. Lena doesn't let her disability affect her well being,
Lena's job at the call center as head counselor for Dana's business has helped Lena talk to other women who have been in her shoes before,
When I saw the photos of all the bruises she had all over her body
Broke my heart to pieces. So that's
I wanted to do something special for Lena's birthday, it took Lena a long time for her to let me see her naked
Often times when women are abuse
They become scared of revealing their bodies with their partners. She wouldn't let me touch her for a whole year,

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