life with a new born

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Stef's: POV
It's been a crazy three weeks
We were getting use to the idea of a new born being in the house. It took a while for Jalen to get fully adjusted
He wakes up every three hours. He's usually hungry, we have him in our room for the time being, Lena's usually the one who gets up in the middle of the night change to him
I have gotten up on a few occasions
That way Lena could get some rest
The girls loved their new baby brother. Malia's been helping Lena out, Jalen's had his immunization shots. Boy he wasn't a happy camper
The pediatrician says Jalen's healthy as a horse, Jalen's drinking three ounces. Jalen eats every two hours
He's already nine pounds, l go back to work next week. Our house whole
Has been extremely busy these days
Lena's doing the laundry while Jalen's napping, the girls are in school
She's even got dinner sorted out
We can only get things done when Jalen's sleeping. We enough food to last us for at least three months,
We were supposed to be going out of town this weekend but Lena hasn't been feeling up to traveling, the girls and I are still going. My mother in law is gonna come over and stay with Lena while l'm gone, where leaving on Friday and we'll be back on Sunday afternoon. Lena's coming in the living room carrying a basket filled clean clothes, she takes a seat on the couch. And begins folding laundry
Stef's watching the basketball game on TNT, l know once Jalen's he's going to be a sports fan Like Stef. She even brought our son a Boston Celtics jersey outfit, Stef mainly watches
We all have basket Ball jerseys
We've been to a couple of games
They have a game coming up this weekend. That's where they going this weekend, it's the tournament
They coming to Los Angeles to play against the LA Lakers. Stef purchased front row seats, that were 85. 00 dollars. the girls get in free
She brought these tickets months ago
The last time we went the Boston Celtics game they Amelia and Malia got the whole team's autograph on a poster.

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