Chapter 8 Finding Clarisse's Teammates

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I have now entered the sea of monsters and i have my guard up and i am alert to everything going on around me. I look over the boat and at the see and i see teeth coming out of the water, i start manipulating the water and I speed past the first island as i don't have any need to go to the first island and i continued on my way to the second island. I need to get out of this area of the sea of monsters now  I manipulate the water around me to speed my way out of this area of the sea of monsters.

I'm glad i don't need a map of the island and i know where i am at all times when i am on a boat

I reached my destination not that long after i sped past the first island I hope i can find Clarisse in time and save her  I get off the boat and i then secure the boat to the island by tying the rope to a part of the island that wasn't going to break easily. I pull out my pen which i took the cap off which turned into Riptide. Best i use riptide instead of my trident as riptide will come back to me if i wind up loosing riptide it will come back to me now which direction should i start in? I have no idea where about on the island she is I stand still for a few minutes while i decide on what to do next.

In the end i start walking in a random direction with Riptide in my hand. Every few seconds i'm fighting off the greek monsters on the island swarming to me from my demigod scent. Clarisse could be anywhere on this island, how am i going to find you?  I'm wandering around the island going in the same direction as i started in. I come across a clearing There's a lake on this island  this will be useful for me while i'm on this island, neat there's a waterfall near the back

After fighting off another batch of greek monsters i rummage through my bag and i find a coin that greek demigods use. I step into the lake and i walk to the waterfall and i mutter "Oh, Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Nico Di Angelo" and i flick the coin into the waterfall, after a couple of minutes Nico appears in front of me and i can see Ahkmenrah, Larry, Horus, Iris and the other exhibits in the museum in the background.

"Effie, I'm glad to see you are alright" Ahkmenrah calls out

"Nico, I know that you can tell when greek/roman demigods die, can you tell me if you have sensed Clarisse?" I trail off not wanting to finish the sentence

"Clarisse is still alive, i haven't sensed her yet which is good, what's your plan to find her?" Nico answers

"Because we got cut off from each other when she asked for help in the IM when she was about to say exactly where she was. I have no idea where she is on this island but i know she's on this island somewhere. There's not much i can plan to find her without knowing where she is exactly on this island" I explain

"Effie, there's a greek monster behind you" Ahkmenrah calls out i turn around to see yet another greek monster i used some of the water in the lake to pin the greek monster to the ground and when i reached the monster i sliced the monster in half which caused it to disapear  I turn around and i go back to the waterfall.

"I need to end this now, i need to go before more find me here" I say

"Take care and be careful Amphy" Horus calls out to me

"I will, going now" I promise and i end the call by disrupting the mist i make my way back to the land and i leave the clearing heading in a different direction than when i eneterd this clearing. The second that I'm away from the lake clearing i am getting attacked by greek monsters more frequent than when i was in the lake clearing.

After wandering around the island fighting greek monsters along the way, i come to a clearing, i freeze when i see a group of corpses. I make my way closer to the bodies. Yes these are Clarisse's teammates, I'm going to take them back to Camp Halfblood so that they can get a proper burial  Carefully one by one i brought Clarisse's dead teammates to my boat and i carefully and securely covered them so no greek monster eats their body I won't put it past any of those monsters to do that

I made my way back to the clearing i found them in and i examine the clearing trying to form a plan on what to do from here. Clarisse hold on for a while longer i'm getting closer to find you. I'm looking for any evidence that could tell me which direction Clarisse has gone in this is difficult, it's not easy to find said evidence between fighting greek monsters.

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