Chapter Six Meet The Boyfriend/Iris Message

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I'm on my way to mum's home as mum wants me to meet her new boyfriend. I'm glad that mum now knows who her father is and why he wasn't in her life growing up as well as why it took him so long to tell her It took me a while but i have finally arrived at mum's house. I knock on the front door. It opens to reveal mum, we smile and exchange greetings as we hug each other. Mum stands to the side and lets me in, she closes the door behind me. "My new boyfriend is in the living room waiting" Mum says we enter the living room where i see Larry sitting on the sofa looking nervous which turns to relief when he looks up and sees me enter with mum.

"Hello Larry, so you're my mother's new boyfriend" i greet

"Hey Seph, I am Sally's new boyfriend" Larry answers

"You two know each other?" mum asks

"Yes, Larry here is the other night guard at the museum" I answer "Mum Larry knows who my father is, i told him  when  i came to trust him with it" I continue preventing the conversation mum was wanting to have with me in private but mum takes to her room a good distance away from the living to talk with me in private.

"Are you alright with Larry as my boyfriend?" mum asks

"I am happy with Larry as your new boyfriend" I start i smile at mum "I'm happy because i know that Larry is a good person, that he is good for you mum. He's never going to treat you the way smelly Gabe and Blowfish did" I answer

"Thank you Amphy" Mum starts and pulls me into a hug, after a few seconds she pulls away "Larry is the first boyfriend you are happy with me dating" She continued

"I was happy you were happy with your previous boyfriends i just withheld any judgements about them until they learned who my father is" I  voice we made our way back to the living room where Larry has been waiting patiently for us to come back into the room.

"Everything alright?" Larry asks

"Everything is fine, i just needed to talk with my daughter about something not that important" Mum answers

We spend the rest of the visit talking about various subjects, we let Larry in on my and mum's inside joke with blue food. I said bye to mum and i said I'd see Larry at the next night guard shift then i made my way home. I have filled the sink up with the intention of washing my hair when Clarisse appears in the water.

"Hi Clarisse what's wrong?" I ask

"Effy I need your help, my quest has gone to Tartarus and back" Clarisse responds

"What happened?" I ask

"My team mates are dead and i am next. I'm surrounded by monsters i can only hold them back for so long" She answers

"I'll help you where are you?" I voice concern lacing my voice

"I'm on the second island in the sea of monsters" She answers and the iris message fades That's not good

I use iris message to call Nico "Hey Seph what is it?" He greets

"Clarisse has just called me for help. I'm not going to make it to my night shift at the museum tomorrow while i'm going to call the museum and let them know myself that i can't come in that i have to deal with an emergency. I'm telling you so someone knows where i am going" I reply

"OK, where is Clarisse?" Nico asks

"Clarisse told me that she is on the second island in the sea of monsters" I voice

"That's not good, did she tell you where specifically" Nico says

"I think she was going to but she has been cut off" I reply

"What's happened with Clarisse?" Nico questions

"Her quest went to tartarus and back, her team mates are dead and she is sure she is next, she's surrounded by monsters and can only hold them back for so long" I answer

"OK noted, i will shadow travel to the museum tomorrow night and inform them of the real reason you can't attend the night shift. I will do my best to reassure them but i won't give them false hope" Nico voices

"Thanks Nico i'm ending now so i can pack for the journey, call the museum and get a boat for myself to use" I say we exchange greetings and i end the iris message.

I decided to get the call out of the way so i phoned the museum and i let them know that i couldn't attend tomorrow (Monday)'s night shift and possible the rest of the week's night shift as an emergency has cropped up and i need to attend to it. They were understanding and told me i have the week and a half of the next week to deal with the emergency.

With that out of the way i packed essential supplies for my trip to the sea of monsters, i leave my house, lock up and i leave to purchase a boat to get to the sea of monsters, it doesn't matter what type of boat it is just that the boat is sturdy and well built.

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