Chapter 10 Aftermath Of Clarisse's Quest

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Slowly and carefully Clarisse and i make our way to the boat i used to get to the island so we can leave the sea of monsters. Takes us longer than we would like but we do make it back to the boat i used to get to this island.

I started the boat while Clarisse removed the rope from the tree so we can leave the island and she is on the boat with the rope in hand. I'm pulling away from the island while Clarisse is curling up the rope and putting it away. "I'm going to patrol around the boat throughout the time that we are on the boat so we don't get ambushed" Clarisse voices after she has put the rope away.

"understood, be careful Clarisse i need to concentrate on driving the boat out of the sea of monsters so i will be unable to help you with any battles with any Greek monsters that are likely to show up with two demigods on this boat especially since i am the daughter of one of the big three" I voice

"yeah, all that show up will be powerful, they will be drawn to your demigod scent, don't worry I'll be careful" Clarisse responds

As i am manoeuvring the boat to leave the sea of monsters we hear a siren like voice "Clarisse cover your ears don't listen, I don't want to have to drag you back to the boat like i had to with Luke when we were in the sea of monsters last" I warn and i notice that Clarisse puts earplugs in her ears I don't bother as they are not affecting me.

Throughout the time i was manoeuvring the boat to get us out of the sea of monsters Clarisse had to fight off loads of Greek monsters that were drawing to the combined demigod scent as well as mine being in the picture. We've not long left the sea of monsters causing us to breath a sigh of relief. "Clarisse why don't you get some rest while i take us to camp" I suggest

"I'll do that, could do with some rest, be sure to wake me if we get company" Clarisse voices

"I'll ensure i wake you if we get company, have a good rest, I'll wake you when we get to camp if you are still asleep by then" I say and with that Clarisse makes her way into the cabin to do so. I focus on steering the ship to go in the direction that camp is in.

It took several hours for us to get there with me being careful to not get found by greek monsters i have no wish to wake up Clarisse unless i need to but we eventually make it to the beach where camp half blood is located near. I stop the boat and i tie it to the dock. I gently shake Clarisse awake

"I take it we have arrived?" Clarisse asks

"We have arrived, let's get your teammates and take them into camp so they can have a proper funeral" I voice and with that I lead Clarisse to where her teammates are and we pick them up and carry them to camp being lucky to not get interrupted by Greek monsters.

A few hours have gone past, the funerals have taken place and i have had a shower, I try to get some rest but i am unable to sleep without getting a nightmare of an event from my past. I contacted the staff at the museum and let them know that the emergency has been taken care of.  I am currently eating a meal to fill my stomach.

When i enter the museum i am hugged by Larry "I'm happy you are alright, you sure you are okay to be here?" Larry voices

"I'm sure, I want to be here" I reassure him and after i said that the sun went down and the exhibits come to life.

"Seph, good to see you, you should go to the Egyptian exhibit Ahkmenrah is there" Roosevelt says

"good to see you, I'm going there now" I reply and i make my way to the Egyptian exhibit not encountering anyone else and i enter and I call out "Ahkmenrah" he turns around and his face lights up on seeing me.

"Effie, I'm glad to see you made it back alive. I was worried about you while you were in an area the Egyptian gods couldn't help you" he voices and pulls me into a hug,

"I'm alright, I know how that place works, I've been there before on a previous quest, hopefully i won't have to go back" I reassure Ahkmenrah we share a sweet kiss.

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