Chapter Five The Party

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Cecil, Gus and Reginald are forced to become the museum janitors in order to evade going to jail for the crimes they committed. I started working with Ahkmenrah on getting over his fear, it was difficult to start out, my main focus at the start of it was to teach him methods to calm down and relax. Since that will help with the other steps in helping him to get over his fear. One is a breathing technique where you take a deep breath in and exhale fully while paying attention to the body, another is to challenge his thoughts  with questions like is this likely to happen? and one other example is this a rational thought?, another is that when he is doing his breathing exercise to visualize himself  calm, and the last method i taught him is to change his focus.

It took a while for Ahkmenrah to get the hand of the breathing techniques but once he did, we moved on to making small goals for him to face his fear. I reassured him that he wouldn't be stuck in it again. We know that Larry and the others are planning a party to celebrate the victory of getting the tablet back. I let them focus on that while Ahkmenrah and i focus on him getting over his fear.

It's the night of the party and Ahkmenrah has come along way, he hasn't completely gotten over his fear but  has come very close to achieving it, it will take a bit longer for him to fully get over his fear. I have just arrived at the museum for my shift as well as attend the party Larry and the exhibits apart from Ahkmenrah planned.

"Hey Larry, Nick, ready for the party?"I greet

"Hey Seph i'm ready for the party" Nick replied

"Hello Seph i'm ready"Larry greets Larry had set up a DJ booth and a crystal ball light globe spinning light around the room. Larry, Nick and i spent time chatting about various subjects while we wait for the exhibits to come to life. I ended up telling them about some of my experiences as a demigod well the minor quests i did that don't have anything too important with the major quests i have completed, the sun soon set and the party started.

The exhibits have come to life and Larry Starts the party by putting a record on the DJ booth and playing the record. Octavius and Jed got onto the record and started dancing to the music, Ahkmenrah is dancing by the record room having fun by the look on his face. I mingle talking with exhibits in the room about various subjects.

I dance along to the music which a rock song is currently playing. Nick is having fun sitting on Rexy while Jed and Octavius drove the toy car around that is tied to one of Rexy's bones. Ahkmenrah comes over to where i am.

"Want to go for a walk my queen?" Ahkmenrah asks

"of course let's go" I agree and with that we start walking through the museum before ending up in the egyptian exhibit. We chat for a bit until we look at each other and we kiss each other. We spent the rest of the party together in the room everyone else is at.

Once the party was over which was just before sunrise and i bid Ahkmenrah goodnight. Larry and I cleaned up a bit then we left the museum and went home after saying goodbye to each other and we went our separate ways. That party was fun!

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