Chapter Four Stopping The Previous Night Guards!

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When i got back to the apartment i started to research how to help someone overcome Claustrophobia. Nico appears again

"Hey Nico what brings you here?" I greet

"I was in the underworld after informing father on how the quest i did for him went when Luke comes up to me and asks me if i could tell you that it is time for you to move on from him, i told him i would tell you and he is now in the reincarnation process" Nico explains

"Thank you for telling me I'm ready to move on now, if you don't mind i am going to get some sleep so i am rested for tonight's shift" I voice

"I only came to tell you that i'm going now, have a nice sleep" Nico says and we exchange goodbyes and he left. I changed into my pajamas and went to bed. When i woke up i got ready for my shift, once i had something to eat i left and headed to the museum knowing that i am going to be way early as i had a feeling something is going to happen and decided to be earlier than i usually arrive.

Once there i head straight to the Egyptian exhibit and i enter and stand beside the Anubis statue nearest to the Tablet and waited. I watch the two previous night guards enter, they head to the tablet talking about taking it and selling it for retirement money. I jump out from where i am standing and i do my best to stop them i pushed Gus hard enough for him to fall to the floor however the other previous guard pushed me hard enough to make me fly and i hit the wall and i collapse to the floor in the shadow of the Annubis statue and the last thing i see is Cecil talking the tablet.

I let out a quiet groan as i wake up, i get up off the floor how did the previous night guards have the strength to knock me out? could the tablet have vitalized them enough to give them more strength than they should have I look around and i spot Ahkmenrah standing not far from me. "Are you alright Seph?" Ahkmenrah asks

"i'm fine the previous two night guards took your tablet, i tried to stop them but i got shoved into a wall" I answer we moved into the light and we stood next to where the tablet should be, Ahkmenrah is just checking to see if i am fine as i said i am in the light. I see Ahkmenrah relax on seeing that i am fine.

"Ahkmenrah, i'm ready to move on from Luke, When i got home Nico passed on a message from Luke to me that helped me to move on from him" i voice Ahkmenrah looks at me for a short while before he pulled me into a kiss. i froze in shock for a few seconds before i returned the kiss. We hear footsteps enter the room and we separate and turn to see the Anubis statues pointing spears at Larry and who must be his son.

"Hey. Hi. How are you doing? sorry to bother you but your guys there? your jackal guys? Do you think you could ask them to back off, please? We're not trying to hurt you, they think we are. Could you do it now" Larry calls out

"Stand down they mean no harm" i call out in egyptian

"If my Queen says they mean no harm then stand down" Ahkmenrah exclaims and the Anubis statues bow at Ahkmenrah and I and went back to their positions.

"How come you speak english?" Larry asks Ahkmenrah

"I went to Cambridge university" Ahkmenrah answers

"You went to Cambridge?" Larry asks

"I was on display in the Egyptology department. I am Ahkmenrah, fourth king of the fourth king ruler of the land of my fathers" Ahkmenrah exclaims

"I am Larry son of Milton and this is my son Nick, and we hail from Brooklyn. Well, i do i mean, he comes out and stays with me on Wednesdays and every other weekend. That was the custody agreement that we had" Larry introduces himself and his son Nick

"Hi Nick, I'm Persephone Amphitrite Jackson but call me either Seph, Amphy or Effie daughter of Poseidon and granddaughter of the Egyptian God Horus" I introduce myself to Nick "Larry i didn't tell you about who i'm related to when i first met you about  as i knew you wouldn't have believed it but now with having seen the exhibits come to life i know you will believe it. Larry, Nick you both need to call me by the nicknames i said and don't say my full name as you could risk summoning the greek goddess with the same name alright" I voice

"OK" Larry and Nick say

"Now let's focus on getting the tablet back" I voice with that we head to the exit of the egyptian exhibit to see the exit locked i kick the door hard enough so that it swings open and we leave the room i hear Larry telling the Anubis statues that he would look out for Ahkmenrah when they didn't move he added that he would look out for me as well they nodded and moved back to their original positions. After walking for a bit we run into the huns.

"I gotta deal with this guy" Larry muttered and the hun said something in his language i don't understand

"pardon me, Larry. I speak hun. He says he wants to rip you apart" Ahkmenrah says

"All right. Again with the ripping. Listen, i understand... i get it. Ripping for you... you want to rip things, okay? and i think maybe that's because somebody ripped you a long time ago. In here" Larry began and points to the hun's heart

"Somebody ripped little baby Attila a long time ago, right here didn't they? they ripped the love. they ripped the love right out of you, didn't they? a little baby all alone in a tent whose daddy went off to pillage some town or plunder somewhere just doing his job. but who was left alone? You. Let it out. Let it go. Let it go. It's okay it's okay" Larry continued gesturing throughout what he was saying and Attila hugged Larry near the end.  After a while we managed to gather the exhibits.

"I need everybody to listen up! Guys! Come on! Larry calls out

"Quiet! My dum-dum wants to speak" The Easter island head shouts and all the noise stopped with silence surrounding us

"Thank you, now this here is King Ahkmenrah his tablet is what brings you to life every night. Those old nightwatchmen? they stole it. Now, we need to find those guards and get the tablet back... and we need to do it before morning. Civil war guys head over to the Planetarium wing, my explorer friend whose name escapes me" Larry starts

"it's Columbus" Nick tells Larry

"right, Columbus! Right, i'm sorry. There's no nameplate, so Columbus take the Neanderthals and do a sweep from the invertebrates all the way through reptiles. Jed and Octavius, their van's parked out back go take care of it." Larry says

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, no! No Sir. I ain't working with toga boy" Jed protests

"Romans work alone" Octavius exclaims with that Jed shoved Octavius

"That didn't hurt don't be a baby" Jed exclaims

"Yes it did" Octavius protested i roll my eyes at this

"Come on" Jed says and pushes Octavius again

"That was harder!" Octavius says

"Guys, come on!" Larry says

"Jed, Octavius take away the fact you were born years apart, you guys aren't that different. Your both leaders. You just want what's best for your people right?" I ask in an attempt at stopping the argument.

"Yeah" Jed says

"Yeah Octavius exclaims

"Civil war dudes you guys are brothers, for god's sake, you gotta stop fighting. North wins. Slavery's bad. Sorry" Larry begins and goes on to an encouragement speech which got everyone to cheer. We all got to work with getting a hold of the previous night guards we managed to catch two and now we are working on stopping the last one and get the tablet back.

It took getting Sacagawea out of her glass exhibit to track where the last of the three previous night guard. Cecil stole a horse and carriage exhibit in an attempt to get away but we use Rex and caught up with him and we managed to catch him. i take the tablet from Cecil and Larry asks Attila to take Cecil back to the museum and tells him not to rip him apart.

I hand the tablet to Ahkmenrah and i ask him to get everyone back to the museum and he uses the tablet to order everyone back to the museum. I walk  beside Ahkmenrah and we chat in egyptian along the way. Once morning came Larry was fired and i wasn't because i had actively tried to stop the theft but once Dr Mcphee saw how popular the Museum became he rehired Larry.

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