Chapter One Meeting Family on My Mother's Side

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It's a beautiful day and I'm sitting in a clearing which has forests surrounding me and in front of me is a beautiful lake which is a turquoise blue colour with shades of sea green where the sun is hitting the lake, the trees are a chestnut brown colour with oak like markings i am sitting on the grass near the water as i feel safe near the water. I am looking at the beauty of the lake thinking on everything that has happened so far since i found out who my father is when i was twelve. Annabeth redeemed herself at the end for everything that she did, Ethan why? why would you get me to trust you if you were only going to betray me in the end? When i find you i will get the answer to the question even if i need to use Mrs O'Leary to scare him into answering

I'm getting so lost in my thoughts and memories that i have stopped paying any attention to my surroundings. I'm going through all my memories both good and bad What if she was telling me the truth about what she said to me about the greek gods I shake my head at that thought and i rest my head in my hands She's wrong she only said that to mess with me I'm snapped out of my thought when i feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see a egyptian woman with wings coming from her back, a man with the body of a human and the head of a hawk and another man with the head of a hawk but has a sun disk resting on his head.

"Hello my name is Isis this is my son Horus and this is Ra we aren't going to hurt you what is your name?" she introduces herself and the other two i think fear must have shown on my face by her comment on not hurting me.

"Hi my name is Persephone Amphitrite Jackson you can call me Seph, Amphy or Effie"I answer

"Seph, could you tell me who your mother is?" Horus asks

"My mother is Sally Jackson, Why do you ask?" I reply

"Sally Jackson is my daughter i didn't let her know about it as we had problems to take care of that i didn't want to put her in danger, do you want to come with me so we can get to know each other in a safer place" Horus explains with Isis and Ra agreeing with Horus on taking our conversation to a safer place i think about his offer and i accept the offer and i took Horus' outstretched hand and he took me to a beautiful building.

Over the next few hours we got to know one another before we had that conversation another egyptian god Osiris came into the room and Horus introduced us to each other. "Amphy who is your father?" Ra asks curiosity lacing his tone

"my father is Poseidon" i answer

"The greek god Poseidon?" Ra asks for clarification

"yes he is my father" i confirm and they sat where they are in shock it was Horus who snapped out it first and quickly comforted me that they weren't going to turn on me which prompted them to ask me how the greek gods treat me and i see anger on their faces before i know it i'm in someone's arms looking up i notice that Horus is the one hugging me. So many things have changed since Annabeth died stopping evil grandpa and after i got the greek gods to agree to claim their kids not long after they arrive at camp I feel pain in my body which is reminding me of all the injuries i got in the battle despite having the curse of Achilles. Between the pain from the injuries and having the curse of Achilles black seeps into my vision, the last thing i see before everything goes dark is Horus looking worried.

~Third Person POV~

Ra, Horus, Isis and Osiris walk into a bedroom with Horus carrying Seph, "Lay her down on this bed so we can check her injuries" Ra says Horus places Seph on the bed. Isis leaves the room though she soon returns with Thoth entering the room soon after. Isis explains to Thoth what happened up to this point. When everything has been explained Thoth walks over to the bed and on seeing Seph's torn up shirt and removes it revealing Seph's injuries to everyone in the room causing them to gasp at that.

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