Chapter 15| Unusual

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A yawn escapes your throat as you rub your eyes. You blink for a few times until you begin to process reality, and you take a quick glance around.
You're on the couch; A fluffy blanket laying atop you. Springtrap must've put it on you while you were asleep.
Actually, where was he?

You sit up and push the blanket off of you while looking across the reorganized room. Was he in a different room?

After a couple moments you get up and walk through the house, but as it turns out, you remain unable to find him.

Where the actual fcuk could he have gone?

Surely he didn't go outside?

A groan escapes your throat as you glance out the window, and you shake your head before turning around.
He probably did.
In defeat you pick up your foxy plush and plop onto the couch while holding the plushie tight.
Maybe you should just wait until he's back.

You look down at the foxy plush and sigh.

Heavy footsteps break the peaceful silence you had been enjoying. Whoever it was, they were either in a rush or absolutely pissed. Maybe a bit of both.
You turn your gaze to the doorway leading into the house, and wait quietly in anticipation of Springtrap returning. For a few minutes all you hear is the footsteps getting louder and louder, but eventually they suddenly pause; The door knob rattling.
Then a frustrated sigh.

An amused grin spreads across your face as you get up and walk over to the locked door; You shift the dead bolt knob and open the door. Before you was the mustard rabbit himself, whose ears droop down in a clear sign of embarrassment.
"Locked yourself out?" You ask all knowingly.
He grumbles a small "I suppose" in response as he walks past you and towards the kitchen. You raise an eyebrow and keep your gaze focused on him while closing the front door. Once you hear the reassuring click of the mechanism, you follow after him.

He places a few things on the table: A bag, a few newspapers, and two maps.

"What are these for?" You inquire.
He takes a small glance at you before pushing one of the maps and the newspapers towards you. "To help you get a job."
You frown and set your arms on the table, leaning against it. "Okay... And what's that stuff there?" You then point towards the bag.
"Just stuff for me."
You hum in curiosity but decide to not pry any further.

Instead, you decide to pick up the newspapers and elegantly throw them into the fireplace. It wasn't lit, so the dramatic effect wasn't as great as it could have been, but you were getting your point across.

You didn't want to work.

And Springtrap clearly got the message as he groaned in frustration.

"Y/n, please. Work isn't that hard. Just find something you can do." He pleads whilst he picks the newspapers up from the fireplace. He hands it back to you. "At least do it for me."

You glance up into his lifeless eyes, contemplating for a moment, before looking to the ground. "Fine. Only for you though."

One of his hands reach over to grab your cheek(and chin, his hands are huge), making you look up at him.
You aren't sure if you're simply processing the fact his face is morphed into an eternal smile, or if he's actually smiling, but either way- something about him just seems relieved.
This makes you smile in response as you lean into his touch.

"Very much so."

Well unlike Springtrap, you sure weren't, because moments later he had you sitting on the couch with him, looking through jobs.

I see you people who don't vote or comment. No goodies(cookies, cake, doughnuts, etc.) for you.

Just kidding, take them all. I don't need them.

Also me: *writing 16*

Anyway, I greatly apologize for few updates- and this one being short.
I got school work and I want to publish today, so I'm slamming that Publish button.

Word count: 690

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