Chapter 18| Advance or Abort Mission

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You stare at Springtrap, contemplating on what to say.

"I- Er- Nothing of importance," You lie, "Just thinking about how much I don't want to work."

You truly couldn't afford to lose him.

The rabbit lets out a hefty sigh, "You can't go on like this y/n. If you don't work, you can't afford food. If you can't afford food, you can't survive."

Relief washes over you as he accepts your response. Turns out you wouldn't be having to upset him tonight.

"If only you were thinking of me," He complains in his thick accent, "Maybe one day I will be all you ever think about?~"
To which you reply by smacking his muzzle (despite how much it hurt your hand).

"Keep dreaming, you-"

Your words were interrupted by knocks. Both you and the mildly-washed rabbit look towards the door in absolute confusion.
Who of all people would be here? In this abandoned part of town? Let alone right outside your door?
Springtrap begins getting up, but before he can move far, you grab his arm and request, "Go wait somewhere else. I'll see who it is."


"Look, your cute, but I don't trust you being seen by others. Who knows what they would do? I am not going to risk losing you, so stay hidden." You snap, not letting him get a single sentence in.
He is clearly taken aback by what you say, but his bewilderment quickly turns to a look of pride.

He's impressed by your thinking.

Your previous, childish act was completely pushed to the side in order to keep him safe.

Perhaps some of the act in itself was childish, but you weren't being careless.

This rabbit definitely has an effect on you.

"Fine, but I will present myself if necessary." He chuckles. You just roll your eyes and just shoo him off.

"Go now." You sigh and lift one foot after another, dreading the conversation you will have to deal with. Please don't be one of those door-to-door advertisers. You plead.

After you finally reach the door, another three knocks sound. You grab the handle, turn the knob, and pull the entrance open.
Abruptly, you pause your actions in confusion at who is present.

"Uh, Miss... Manager? Why're you here?"

A soft Russian accent sounds in reply, "You can call me Ziao. I am here to check in with you."

Questions begin to cloud your mind, but you try to push them aside as you open the door the rest of the way. "Here- come in."

Ziao nods and steps into your house with caution. "Sorry for the abrupt visit, though I did not exactly have a way to communicate that I was coming since you lack a device."

"That's alright, but uh, why exactly are you visiting?" You inquire whilst closing the front door.

"Ah, you see, I have come for two reasons. One: To check up on how you're doing after... the fire, and two: to give you something."

You raise an eyebrow.
"Well, I'm alright for the most part... but uh, what exactly is it that you're giving me?" You ask, unable to hide your growing curiosity.

Ziao smiles brightly. "I am glad you are alright!" She chuckles before adding, "I see you can not hide your wonder, no?"

"Aha... I can't help it."

"Well, that is alright. It is good to see one being their honest self. Now, for the gift I have for you-" She pauses and reaches into her bag. Shortly after, she pulls out an encased phone. The stickers had already been removed from the box.
"I figured you would need this. This way we can stay in touch! Plus, you are very much missing out on all the wonders of the internet!" couldn't help but worry over how expensive the phone was.
She spent her money on pitying your poor state even though she lost her entire business to a fire?

What was she, a goddess?

You carefully take the new phone from her as a huge grin crosses your face. "Oh my god- thank you so much Ziao! I can't thank you enough- is there anything I can do in return?"

"No no, it is fine! No need to do anything for me, this is simply a gift from one friend to another." She cackles. "I had put my number in it already, so feel free to text me whenever! Now, I must be on my way. I have meeting."

"I will, and again, thank you!"

"You are welcome, friend. Farewell, and take care of yourself!" Ziao requests as she turns to the door and opens it.
"Oh, and tell that friend of yours I said hello." She waves at you just before stepping out and closing the door behind herself.


"She was awfully nice."

After hearing the British accent from behind, you shriek, "WHAT THE FUCK-!? I TOLD YOU TO STAY HIDDEN!"

eheheh short chapter to give you happy vibes as I work on future chapters.
Also I can't believe I forgot to mention that Ziao has a Russian accent LMAO

Word count: 860

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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