Chapter 4 | The Rabbit's Call

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So like, i started writing the third chapter months after adding its phone guy start. I do not remember too much of what I had planned for this fanfic, but I will change some things up.

You couldn't help but stare as it dragged itself out of the vent. It was so interesting seeing a moving and working animatronic even though it was heading right after you. It brings itself up to its knees, before dragging itself into a standing position. The rabbit then looks you right in the eyes, sending a shiver down your spine. It groans and starts walking towards you. Its metal gears make a grinding sound along with a weird fleshy sound.

All your able to let out is a "Wow" as it came towards you. After a few moments it is standing right in front of you, and it is staring right down at you. You felt frightened beyond belief but you couldn't stop staring. The words that came out of your mouth as it looked down upon you might as well have been those of your subconscious.
"Your lonely, aren't you?" Just looking in its plastic eyes something made you think it was sad, or lonely. But Animatronics dont have emotions, right?
You cast the thought away as its ears tilt to the side slightly, and its eyes seemed to open a bit. Almost as if it was taken aback by the unexpected question. The stare lasted minutes, but it felt like hours as it was dragged along for quite sometime. The rabbit eventually starts to approach you, and in a panic you would back away out into the hall while clutching what you held close. Eventually you hit the hard wall as it continued to near you. When it got close, it stared as if in thought, and it narrowed its faded eyes. It lets out a groan, almost as if it was trying to say something. In a panic you look away, closing your eyes tight. The rabbit lets out a strange noise as if it was aggravated by your reaction.

You quickly slip out from under it and run through the halls as you tried you best to not get caught by the beast. "Okay okay broken rabbit made by THE Afton himself, but its trying to kill me! So much for wasting my life away with meeemeeessss!" You screech as you ran off. The rabbit stares you you in confusion for a few seconds before shaking his head, his ears flopping; Then he walks after you. He slowly started to move faster, as if he was learning to run for the first time. "Hahaaaa please dont kill me buddy!" You call out as you run through the halls. With a quick motion, you get down and shove yourself into a near by vent. You crawl through it quickly and scramble through your stuff to grab the camera tablet. You find it use the vent cams to close the ventilation blockade behind you. You let out heavy breaths as you move out the other side of the vent quickly. You were right outside the office.

You quickly made your way into the office before checking the camera's for the rabbit; You notice him in the arcade room. Catching your breath, you go to a different cam that was farther from, yet within his hearing reach. You click the audio button and switch to vent cams. You close the vent connected to the room before sitting back in your office chair.

"god... that was so close..." You breathe out as you wipe the sweat off your forehead. Okay okay... calm down... its not like I'm completely defenseless. I just need to keep him far away and I will be okay. You think to yourself before checking the cameras. Video Error. You curse under your breath before flipping up the other tablet and fixing the video. Once its fixed, you look through the cameras. The rabbit was moving to your office again, and with a sigh you click the audio button in the arcade room to lure him away. Suddenly an audio error pops up after the sound is played, and you grumble. You quickly switch to the other tablet to fix it. Afterwards you go back to the camera tablet to watch the rabbit.

It seemed to just stare at the camera, unwilling to move. You felt a shiver down your spine as you watched it. Almost as if it was hoping for something to happen. But what was there to wait for? The only things that could happen was an audio error or a video error. The other tablet did have a ventilation error option, but that hadn't gone off earlier so why would it go off now. You looked back to the tablet, and the rabbit was much closer to the camera than before. It was letting out strange groans that almost sounded like a word. Groan after groan, it became clearer and clearer.
"caaann yuhhh eeaarrr meeee?" 😎👌 Yeah buddy. I ear you.
"hheeeellllppp! Iiittttt huurrtttsss!"

Your eyes widened as you stared at it. It asked for help. But why would an animatronic ask for help? How can it feel pain? It shouldn't be able to feel. It is an animatronic. Right? There was no need for it to have help besides repairs. You shake your head and notice the rabbit had gone off to a corner. It was sitting quietly with its arms on its knees. Your breath becomes uneasy as You stare at it, but you didn't think too much about it.
It had been a few moments before its head shot up, and it starts to get up. You tilt your head in confusion before realizing what it was reacting to. An alarm had started going off, yet you hadn't even noticed. You cough slightly as your chest starts feeling heavy and a sharp pain shots through it. You swear you could have seen a bear walking by the window as you reached over to the other tablet. It was heavy.
Your vision started to fade in and out as you became light headed. After a few moments of missing the button and your vision becoming blurry, you manage to click the ventilation repair option. You lay your head on the desk while the tablet slips out of your grasp.

Loud clanking is heard through the walls while you close your eyes. The ventilation was almost done repairing. The clanking got louder and louder. The familiar smell of the rabbit invaded your lungs as you heard a slight groan. New air filled your lungs since the ventilation had repaired at last, yet you felt your grip on consciousness fade. You had spent too much time without air. There was a raspy voice, but it was quiet. And British.

Binge watching Technoblade streams only gives me strength to write fanfiction.
But what gives me true motivation, is you! Thank you for reading this! I really appreciate it :)
Poggg a few words less than the previous chapter. Im such a disappointment.

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