Chapter 1: "Holo's Party Palace"

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Frank ran down the hallway, it was too dark to be able to see anything and the ground was damp under his feet, the sound of his steps echoed throughout the hallway, it was getting harder and harder to breathe as he felt the air get thinner. Frank fell down onto the floor and looked back up to see what he was running from, he saw a looming shadow of a figure, with glowing white pupils, and sharp, white teeth. Frank let his head fall back and stared at the ceiling, he closed his eyes.

Frank is a 20 year old 5'8 male with pale skin. He has fluffy brown combed hair and black glasses.

As soon as his eyes closed they opened back up again, he was in his room, breathing heavily and laying in a cold pool of sweat. Frank sat up and dangled his legs off of his bed, These nightmares had become a common occurrence, he had no idea where his brain got it all from, it was strange how they just appeared out of nowhere. Nevertheless he got up and got changed into the nicest clothes he could find, today he had an interview for a job at the "Party Palace" that was down his street, it was named 'Holo's Party Palace' It had opened around 2 years ago, Frank never really liked being in there, it had always seemed creepy, the three animatronics on the stage always moved jaggedly, it was obvious that they were animatronics. Frank walked out of his apartment and to the elevator at the end of his hallway, The door opened with a chime and he stepped inside.

He was not alone in the elevator, another resident he knew well was in the elevator too, her name was Janet, she was an older lady, Frank was a little taller than her.

"Are those new glasses Frank?"

Frank smiled, re-adjusting his glasses and nodded.

Frank stepped out into the street, he was hit with a gust of wind, messing up his hair So much for making my hair neat this morning He thought to himself, patting his hair back down. He continued walking down the street, looking at all the stores, they were only now starting to open. He stopped at his favourite café he stopped at every morning, he hadn't been visiting recently, he didn't have enough money after being fired from his job, but he decided today since he was going to a job interview he should treat himself. Frank sat down at a table and read the menu.

"Frank! I haven't seen you in a while"

Frank liked coming to this café because the staff were very friendly, especially Sophia, He had been friends with her ever since he was a kid, she always remembered his order.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I came because I got fired from my job, but today I have a job interview, so I thought I'd come here to get in the right mood for it"

Sophia smiled "That's great, just the normal order?"

Frank nodded

"Great, your order will be here soon"

"Thank you"

Frank looked around the café, it was a busy day, just walking past you could hear the fact that it was busy.

"Here's your order Frank, That'll be ten dollars"

Frank handed over the money.

"Alright, have a nice day Frank, and good luck with your interview"

"Thank you"

Frank dug into his normal order, it was bacon and hash browns with tea, It wasn't the most healthy breakfast but it was enough to get Frank ready for the day. He finished eating then left the café. He stepped back out onto the street and looked down to 'Holo's Party Palace' And took a deep breath.

Frank stepped through the electronic sliding doors, the three animatronic mascots stood in the field of his vision, In the middle stood the main mascot, Holo, he was a tall, looming figure, it had a cyan hue, with a sickly green for his snout and other features. On the right side of Holo was Shamro, another looming figure, a large green bear. And on the left of Holo was Oddball, Oddball was smaller than the other two, it was the first out of the three to be made, it was purple all over with wide eyes, it was the most disturbing.

All three of the animatronics' gazes creeped Frank out, especially since it was early in the morning and they hadn't been turned on for the day, his interview was before opening hours.

"Hey Frank, you ready for the interview" Chris, the owner of Holo's Party Palace came to greet Frank

"As ready as I can be"

"Great come this way" Chris motioned for Frank to follow him

Frank followed Chris to the interview room. Chris is a 5'9 25 year old male with blonde messy hair.

There was someone else inside the interview room.

The stranger looked around the same age as Frank, he had long black hair down to his neck, he was a little taller than Frank and had tan skin.

"There was a tight schedule so I hope you don't mind that someone else is also here, and besides if you do get the job you'll have to work together"

Frank sat down next to the stranger and across from Chris.

"First of all, sign this waver " Chris pushed a piece of paper over

Frank read it, it was a waver saying that any occurring injury was not at the fault of the company. Frank signed the waver and so did the stranger.

"Alright, first question, do you mind having to work from 12 AM to 6 AM?"

"No" Frank answered

"I'd be awake anyway" The stranger answered

"Great, you have the job"

That easily? Frank thought.

"Frank you have the night guard and technician job, and Dan you have the night guard job"

Dan, that's his name Frank thought.

The First Night

Frank stepped through the door into the dark 'Party Palace' It was eerie, the three animatronics standing still, staring out into an endless abyss.

"Pretty creepy at night aren't they"

Frank jumped back, he hadn't noticed Dan had been standing beside him.

"Sorry Frank, didn't mean to scare you"

"It's alright"

Dan and Frank walked into the office and looked around.

"What does this do" Dan flipped down a lever, sending the right door down "Why do we need electronic closing doors?"

Frank looked on the table "Looks like these are cameras" He pressed a white button that said "Camera one, interesting, it shows the stage"

Frank pressed on the camera 2 button and it showed the main dining area, it was all normal except for outside the door, there was a seemingly shadow of Holo, fully pitch black, except for the glowing teeth and eyes, it caught frank off guard and he stepped back into the wall.

"What's up Frank?"

Frank pointed at the screen.

"There's nothing there, Are you ok Frank?"

"You're right, it must've been nothing, it's gone now"

It wasn't gone.

Their shift ended at 6 Am

"I'll see you tomorrow Frank" Dan pointed finger guns at him

Frank shot back a smile "Yeah, I will"

When Frank got back to his apartment he immediately went to take the uniform off, the uniform consisted of a oddly stiff light purple, nearly white, shirt with long sleeves with the "Holo's Party Palace" logo on it, long black pants and a dark blue tie. After taking the uniform off he laid down on his bed and shut his eyes.

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