Chapter 7: Inferno

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Frank ran out of the building, there were five fire trucks and firefighters scattered everywhere trying to control the blaze.

Frank got onto a sidewalk away from the building and put the little boy down.

"are you alright"

The young boy looked up at Frank and nodded.

"Frank!" A familiar male voice came from behind him

Frank turned to see Dan and Lucia "Why are you guys here?" his tone was a questioning one

Dan stopped in front of Frank "We saw you run out of the building"

Frank looked Dan in the eyes "I meant why you guys were in the general area, but I saw you guys as I came out as well"

Dan looked up a little bit "That makes more sense, We had just finished our shift and were eating at a café when this building exploded, why are you here" he looked back at Frank

"I live here, I was in my apartment when a package exploded in the lobby"

"Are you alright?" Dan's voice was concerned

"I'm fine, but there's someone on a higher level trapped in their room so I have to go find a firefighter"

"Alright, me and Lucia will come with you"

Frank hadn't noticed that Lucia was there, she had been completely silent and he was paying attention to Dan. 

Frank rushed over to a firefighter "Excuse me"

The firefighter looked at Frank and huffed "What is it"

"There's someone trapped up there and-"

The firefighter scoffed and looked back up at the building "I'm not sending anyone in there, it's too dangerous"

Frank went silent, staring back at the officer, his expression had changed into what looked like a frustrated face.

Frank shook his head and started walking past the firefighter "If you won't send anyone in than I'll just go in myself"

The firefighter shrugged "I don't care, you're the one who will die"

Even though the firefighter didn't care, Dan and Lucia did and they rushed to Frank as he walked towards the burning building.

Dan grabbed his arm "Frank, this is a terrible idea, he said it wasn't safe"

Frank pulled his arm away "I can't stand by when there are innocent people dying and no one is helping them!"

Lucia reached her hand out and then pulled it back in, deciding it would be no use, neither she or Dan could stop him.

Frank walked back through the entrance that he had made before. The lobby was fully on fire and Frank had to figure out the best path for getting through without being burned. After a minute of watching the fire around the room, Frank realised he had absolutely no idea on how he'd get through. Nevertheless he started walking through the fire and the flames, he was walking slowly and carefully through the flames, pulling his leg away every time a flame gets too close. after a minute of his slow walking he reached the stairs, he looked up the staircase Should I really do this? Am I going to risk my life? He took a deep breath Yes I am He took the first step up the staircase, there were flames on every step that Frank had to navigate around. He continued stepping up the staircase.

Frank reached his floor, he stepped out of the staircase and looked down the hallway. The hallway was fully on fire, and it was hard to breathe. Frank started walked down the hallway.

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