Chapter 4: The Backroom

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Frank was in the hallway again, except he didn't run, he remembered from last night the the figure would stop, all he had to do was not stare into it's eyes, staring into it's eyes was what made him wake up last night. Frank walked for a while down the hallway, it was completely silent, all that he could hear was his own footsteps, like all the last nights, as he walked he could hear the metal figure following behind him, every couple steps Frank turned around to check on the figure, always stopped once he turned. He continued to walk until he reached a room, it was to his left, like a hole in the wall. He walked inside of the room, it looked exactly like the office at 'Holo's Party Palace' except, it's right door was missing. Frank walked up to the monitor, he pressed the one button below the screen, numbers appeared on the screen. "20 8 5 2 1 3 18 15 15 13" the numbers just started repeating after those numbers flashed. Frank was ready to leave, he tried to speak but he made no noise, he tried closing his eyes but every time he opened his eyes again he was still in the office. Frank fell to the ground, he felt his body get weaker.

Frank's eyes suddenly opened, and he felt his upper body shoot up. Frank's breathing was heavy as he looked around his room.

"I wonder if the numbers mean something" Frank pondered this thought

Before he forgot the numbers he got up and got paper and a pen.

"What were the numbers" Frank had to think for a second "Oh right"

He wrote down the series of numbers on the paper.

"20 8 5 2 1 3 18 15 15 13, it doesn't look immediately recognisable"

Frank got up and started pacing back and forth.

"What could the numbers mean" Frank continued to pace "Maybe it's letters to numbers"

Frank sat down and started figuring out the letters. After the first three letters he looked at the clock.

"11:30, I should be getting ready for work instead of pretending something in my dream is important"

Frank got up and walked do his opened bathroom door. As he reached for the door it slammed in his face, Frank stepped back and tripped over as his lights flickered.

Frank choked through his terror to spit out a sentence "What do you want"

The piece of paper and pen were thrown in front of him.

"Maybe it is important"

Frank picked up the pen and figured out the last 8 letters.

"The backroom?" Frank was confused "What does the backroom mean?"

Frank ignored it and got ready for work.

Frank got off his bike at locked it up before walking in.

"Hey Dan!" Frank waved at Dan

"Hey Frank"

"Are you okay after yesterday? You seemed pretty messed up after finding out-"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Alright, also I have a question"

"What is it?"

Frank walked over and showed Dan the piece of paper with the numbers and letters.

"Okay, so, I had a dream and these numbers appeared, when I woke up I did the first five but then some ghost or something started messing with stuff so I figured out the last 8 letters and it spelt The Backroom" Frank took a deep breath "Do you know if there's a backroom here"

"I don't think so, but it couldn't hurt if we looked around a bit tonight"

"No it could hurt, cause we're being hunted by killer animatronics"

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