Chapter 10: Insanity

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Frank was in the void again, he looked around and spotted Simon.

Frank sighed and looked down "Damnit"

Simon looked at him and turned his head "What?"

"I was gonna stay awake until I finished my plan"

"Well I guess you're going to have to improvise then"

"Good thing I'm great at thinking last minute"

"Well what's your plan so far"

"A magician never reveals his secrets"


"I'll see you later"

"No Frank you can't just-"

Frank cut Simon off when he opened his eyes. He sat up and stared at the wall of his room Today's the day, and I'm in no way ready for this He got up out of his bed and stretched. Frank put on his uniform and walked out into the hallway. 

Dan looked down the hallway and saw Frank "So, you gonna end this today"

Frank looked at Dan "I'm gonna end it, all of it"

"Are you really sure that you're ready for this"

"I've never been more sure"

"Well I've actually made food today"


Dan walked into the kitchen.

Frank started walking down the hallway, all he could think about was how he was going to end all of this, not only for himself, but for the countless lives Chris has ended, he thought about the freedom he would bring to the restless souls. He walked into the kitchen and sat down. He thanked Dan for the meal before he started eating. Once he was done he walked with Dan out to the car and got in.

While driving Dan glanced at Frank "Do you really want to end this all, I know you feel empathy for the souls and all, but this is going to be a life changing decision"

"I don't care how today happens, all I care about is freeing all the people Chris has killed, and stopping Chris for good"

"Stopping Chris for good?"

"I'm ending all of this, I said that didn't I?"

"You're not going to murder Chris are you?"

"I want closure for the souls"

"And how are you going to do that and destroy 'Holo's Party Palace' without the law catching up to you"

"Whatever happens, know that I'm thankful for you Dan"

"What does that mean?"

"Before we get there, can we make one stop?"

"Alright, where"

Dan stopped where Frank had asked him to "We're here"

Frank unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door "Thanks"

Frank got out of the car and walked into the building. A few minutes later Frank came back out, he was carrying a small bag.

Frank got in the car and sat down "Alright, we're good to go"

Dan looked at Frank "What's in the bag?"

Frank remained silent and buckled himself in

Dan shook his head and began driving

Dan stopped the car outside of Holo's "We're here"

Frank unbuckled his seatbelt yet again and went to open the door

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