Chapter Twenty One

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The rest of the day went by fairly quickly, with Bright coming up with strange sauce concoctions to go with the moo-ping they were having for dinner, Tootah trying to fabulously dress the plates and poor Knott and Arthit who were the only ones hard at work for their dinner. Prem as always was hovering around everyone with his camera in hand.

Tossing a couple more charcoal into the pit, Arthit grabbed the other fan and stood beside Knott, fanning away lightly at the fire.

"I think that's enough," Knott nodded, pleased at the burning white charcoal they had going now.

The moo-ping sat grilling nicely in a row as the gang sat around, enjoying the peace of the night. It had been a while since they had hung out like that. The last time they tried, well, was the day Kongpob died. That was more than a month ago.

Lightly smacking Bright's hands away from the uncooked sticks on the grill, Arthit made to grab the other food that was on the table, now looking absolutely picturesque thanks to Tootah's efforts.

"So what do you think the fortune teller meant by your love line just now?" Prem asked, munching away.

Arthit froze for a while before resuming his chewing.

"I don't know," he shrugged lightly. "But I did marry Kongpob, I won't think of being with anyone else anyway. So I guess he wasn't wrong."

The other boys nodded lightly, knowing that no matter what they said at this point in time would not change their stubborn friend's mind. Arthit had kind of a one track mind and would not listen to anything anyone said (with the exception of Kongpob's pleading).

Mindless dipping his stick of moo-ping into the bowl of sauce that was in front of him, Arthit put the meat in his mouth - completely unaware of Prem waving his hand furiously to stop him from doing so.

"What the hell Bright, what is this monstrosity!" Arthit soon exclaimed, spitting out the sad piece of meat. He quickly grabbed his pink milk and gulped furiously, washing down the unknown combination he had just alarmed his tongue with.

"I think I saw him putting in cola." Prem said seriously.

"I saw wasabi." Tootah added.

"There was definitely fish sauce." Knott piped in.

All four pairs of eyes rounded in on the guilty one at the table who squeaked, "I honestly only remember grabbing the soy sauce!"

Arthit's stick of moo-ping was sent flying in Bright's direction as the latter screamed bloody murder.

"Arthit are you trying to kill me!" The taller boy yelped, drawing his legs up to the chair as the stick of meat fell to the ground.

"Obviously." Arthit deadpanned. "Be thankful I didn't make you drink your disgusting brew."

There was a moment of pregnant silence between the gang before Knott and Prem lept into action, pinning Bright to the chair as Tootah forced his mouth open.

Sashaying over with the sauce bowl in hand, Arthit grinned. "Bottoms up my dear."

The night went on with lots of screaming (on Bright's part) and thankfully, lots of laughter as well. Arthit did not remember laughing or enjoying himself this much in such a long time. Maybe his friends and Kongpob were right, he did need to get out a little more. Regardless of what went on at night, he still had a life in the day too.

With all of them now sprawled around the guest room in various directions, Arthit let out a little happy sigh.

"Thanks guys," he said quietly. "For everything."

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