Chapter Thirty Two

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Bright. It was too bright. Arthit winced as he buried himself deeper into the warmth that was emanating from his side. Wait. Warmth? He hadn't felt warmth well, since he'd been dead so where was this warmth coming from? His eyes flew open, blinking a few times before his vision became clear.

Oh. It was just Kongpob. Arthit let out a small sigh of relief before snuggling back into his husband's side. The moment was not to last when Arthit's eyes flew open for the second time.

Mornings and his husband never came hand in hand, with the younger returning to the human world by day break. And now that he thought about it, the curtains were always drawn in his house, so why the sunlight now?

Frantically sitting up, Arthit looked around the room, a strange sense of deja vu settling in as he was brought back to their wedding night. But no, this time it was different. Last time it was an unknown man in his environment. Now, they were both in a new environment. How the heck does so many weird things happen to a man who was dead?

Shaking Kongpob, he hissed, "Kong, wake up! We're somewhere weird! This isn't my house anymore!"

The younger groaned, turning to bury his face into the pillow. He had really expanded all his energy last night and was hoping to sleep in. Now he was being woken up by his husband before daylight even hit. Why did the world hate him?

"Kong, stop it! This is serious!" Arthit growled, shaking Kongpob more furiously, all whilst keeping his eyes out for any intruder who might enter the room at any time. He'd never had anyone manage his house in the soul realm, the house automatically recognising only him so he was always safe. But here, anything could happen.

Kongpob grumbled incoherently, slowly sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "What's going on Oon, why are you waking me up? There isn't much time left before I return."

"This isn't my room!"

"Huh?" Kongpob blinked, looking around. "Yeah well of course it isn't. This is mine."

Seeing that there was no threat in the environment since he was clearly home, Kongpob sank back into the covers and attempted to go back to sleep, the gravity of his own words missing him by a mile.

Whereas Arthit continued to remain in shock, unable to process what his husband just said. Did Kongpob just say this was his room? Like the living world room?

Then it was as though things finally clicked in both their heads when they both looked at each other.

"Your room?!"

"My room?!"

The pair yelled simultaneously as Kongpob sat back up again, frantically scanning his surroundings.

"Shit! It really is my room! Why are you here!"

"You're asking me? I've never been back in the human world since I died! You've been the only variable change this whole time so I'm gonna throw that question back at you!"

"That's not fair! I'm alive! I belong here! You're the one who doesn't! How did you follow me here!"

The husbands rambled back and forth at the speed of lightning, the gears in their brains furiously cranking as they tried to search for the reason that Arthit was suddenly in the human realm. It clearly wasn't normal. Souls were not able to cross the divide unless they had been reincarnated. But Arthit was clearly still Arthit, so that option was out.

What had changed between the two of them? They'd been doing the same things last night except well.. Kongpob's brain flitted to the conversation between the other Kongpob and Deer.

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