XXXV. But I'm a National Champion

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"Thank God that's over with," Elsa sighs in relief, getting into her Dad's Cadillac. "Never again."

She takes a moment to rub her temple while Bianca slides into the seat beside her, and Sabrina takes the front seat.

"Agreed," Bianca groans, putting her seatbelt on. "I know they want to make sure that we're prepared to join our grade but six tests in four hours. That's a bit much."

Their Dad chuckles at them, pulling off the curb. "It's over now. How do the three of you think you did?"

Sabrina holds up a finger. "Still processing. Give me a moment."

Elsa chuckles, Idly fingering her loose braids. Because they spent the first two, almost three months of the school year, their school requires them to take an annoying assessment test to see if they can join their class.

"I thought I was ready for them, but I wasn't," she replies.

"And being in the office by myself was eerie," Sabrina complains. "At least Ms.Jennings could have stayed in the room with me to observe me."

"And being in the office by myself didn't help. The silence was so penetrating that I couldn't concentrate at all," Sabrina complains. "At least Ms.Patterson could stay in the room with me."

To prevent cheating or collaboration, they were separated into different offices, which Elsa thought was unnecessary. They took the tests and did as well as they could. But I'm pretty sure I failed my Mandarin test.

"I think the only thing I'm going to receive a hundred on is English," Bianca says. "I had some trouble with grammar, but the comprehension part was fairly easy."

Their Dad hums, making a right. "Children of an English teacher finding the English test easy? Funny."

Elsa laughs shortly at that. "Very true. I'm glad we don't have dance today; I wouldn't be able to focus on anything Abby is saying."

With a new team, Abby has to revise her plan for the season, and so she was giving everyone a day off to work on the routines.

"How do you like your new teammates?" Their Dad asks.

Elsa shrugs, but it's Bianca that replies for them. "They're nice, but they're not the girls. And we would like to know them, but we came in late, and they already seem to get along with each other."

"I'm sure if the three of you are your normal charismatic selves, they would instantly want to be your friends."

"Maybe," Sabrina shrugs.

Maybe we just don't want to be friends with the girls, Elsa muses. She wants the girls back, and befriending the new girls seems like a betrayal to them.

"How about some cake?" Their Dad asks.

Bianca's head perks up. "Prantl's Bakery?"

He chuckles. "Of Course."

"I can go for some cake," Elsa agrees. She could go for a Torte Chocolate; it's an excellent way to take her mind off things.



Elsa lets Nia and Mackenzie squeeze the life out of her.

Coming into the studio today, she was expecting Ally, Bella, Kaeli, and Sophia. Not Brooke, Chloe, Kendall, Mackenzie, Maddie, Nia, and Paige.

"I missed you guys! Are you guys staying, or is this temporary," Elsa hugs Mackenzie.

"We're back," Jill says, jazz hands.

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