Favorite DeathBattle from Season 1 to 7

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With S8 returning with Batman Vs Iron Man going up on YouTube officially tomorrow and in honor of DB 10 year anniversary I might as well share my favorite DB from Season 1 to 7 now let's get started

Season 1:

Where it started DeathBattle had a interesting set of 25 episodes. There were some good ones and some funny ones and that ONE DeathBattle that shall not be name... however though my most favorite DeathBattle of season 1 would be

Goku Vs Superman

Oh boi. This fight was REALLY big back then and to this day people talk about it and it gets much worse with the fanbase

Regardless this was a good episode overall with Goku going transmission after transmission to beat superman and the climax where both Superman getting energy from inside the sun and Goku in his SJJ4 form using his dragon fist as both clash there punches as the world blows up with the man of still being the victor

Though When this happened again it didn't really help much better and have mercy on DeathBattle soul if they do Goku Vs Superman 3 or Gohan Vs Superboy

Season 2

Moving right along with season 2 it introduced us with 32 new episodes

I had lots of favorites ranging to Godzilla Vs Gamera, tigerzord Vs gundam and Solid Snake Vs Sam Fisher. However there is 1 DeathBattle in season 2 that is my most favorite and has 2 series I love so much and my childhood and still play to this day and that is

Pokémon Vs Digimon

This right here was a outstanding battle. Pokémon and Digimon is one of my favorite rivalry battles and this episode came out 2 days before my birthday

Seeing Red giving commands to chairzard and Tai and Agumon fighting back and the ending where Tai punch red leaving chairzard without any commands as WarGreymon brutality stabs and slash him as red gets beat up before both get disintegrated by WarGreymon Terra Force. It was a brutal and sad death. And the theme music for this by NateWantsToBattle in the beginning was nice and amazing hoping we could perhaps see a Blastiose Vs MetalGarumon as a sequel to this

Season 3

Season 3 had 14 episodes being one of the seasons with the least amount of episodes. So not much to work with. However this one is a definitely a easy choice

Hulk Vs Doomsday

This was a amazing matchup. Battle between marvel and dc heavy hitters though the winner was sorta obvious back then this battle is also marks the first DB episode where the hero loses to a villain. Though if this matchup was Hulk Vs Broly (non-canon) hulk would've gotta the W for his debut appearance. Lot of carnage and destruction happened though and doomsday gave hulk a very brutal death Aswell

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